The office helped us out on this one

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Y/n's POV:

I had given Zach a hug saying my goodbye's and then headed towards the cast. "Hey guys. I just wanted to say Thankyou again for having me here and for being a confidence booster for me" they smiled and gave me a hug. "We can always hang out again. So don't worry." Robert said

"So y/n, would you maybe wanna go get something to eat tomorrow like lunch or a dinner?" Elizabeth said "yea. We can do that" I gave my number to all of them and they said their goodbye's. Elizabeth was the only one who stayed.

"Well I gotta go. It was amazing talking to you Liz" she then grabbed my arm. "I actually want to see if you wanted to you know.... grab some coffee?" I look at lex and she nodded her head

"you've got nothing planned after this" I nodded my head "I'll be with Elizabeth, lex you can take the car" she smiled and walked off with the keys

Me and Elizabeth started walking towards her car "so where are we going?" She just continued driving until we got to a restaurant. "I thought we were grabbing coffee" I was confused "we are! I'm just really hungry after today" I nodded my head and followed her to a table.

The waiter took our orders and we were left alone to talk. I then remembered I had the bracelet on still "hey I just realized..." I took it off and slid it to her "I still had it on. Thank you for letting me use it" she nodded her head but slid it back to me

"Just keep it. Use it for when you get nervous or something" I nodded my head and put it back on. "So are you working on anything right now?" I shook my head

"I already have some songs already recorded. But if I ever get any inspiration or something then I'll probably make something new" she smiled and kept listening to me going on and on about music

"The cast seems to really like you" I laughed "I know! I was so happy about that. Because you guys are like my idols. I grew up watching them" she smiled. "I actually can't believe I'm here with you right now. I mean you're THE Elizabeth Olsen! I grew up watching your sisters on Nick" she laughed

"They were good at their job. Acting was always so natural for them" I nodded my head. I then had gotten a phone call from Olivia "I need to take this. I'll be right back" she nodded her head and I went to the restroom

Y- Hello?

O- Where are you?

Y- Eating. Why?

O- Lex came home but you weren't with her. So where are you, really?

Y- I'm eating lunch with a new friend

O- who?

Y- Elizabeth Olsen...

O- .....

Y- Hel-


Y- alright I will. You want anything to eat?

O- Surprise me

Y- I think I know what to get you, you food monster

O- I took your snack once and you don't know how to act

Y- it's giving me very much "you think it's not that serious"

O- and it's giving me very much "you bring me nothing and I won't visit you for a while"

Y- Yes sir! I shall make this my mission

O- alright I'll let you go. GET MY AUTOGRAPH

Y- Alright I will, bye

I walked back to the table and there was a guy bothering Liz. "See? I told you I'm not alone. My girlfriend is here with me" she said and grabbed my hand as I sat down.

"Y/n Gomez is dating you? She's like really young" he said, still not facing me

"I may be young but I'm old enough to date any person however old they may be" I said holding her hand still. "That's bullshit. Everyone knows a beautiful girl like you should be dating a guy like me if anything" he said with a smug grin

"Well I don't date guys. So, sorry to burst your bubble" I said and smiled back at him "I don't believe it" he said and then smirked "prove it. Kiss" he said and I looked around on him and noticed one thing...he worked here by the looks of his name tag.

I smirked and started yelling "OH MY GOD! Dude don't ask me that! I'm barely 18!" He then looked at me like I was crazy and tried making me shut up.

"What? Did you just tell me it could be our little secret?!" That caught the attention of a manager "is there a problem..." she then caught onto who I am

"y/n Gomez?! Oh my god! I love your song" I smile at her "thank you. Sadly I'd like to make a complaint about that worker right beside you" her smile fell as she looked at him

"he tried to make several sexual remarks towards me and wanted it to be "our little secret"" I said and her eyes went wide

"I- ok I did not say that!" Then she noticed Liz "oh my god Elizabeth Olsen. RYAN!" She said towards him because obviously pissing off the most well known actress was not going to be good "actually she's right. It was so hard to watch. I could've sworn he called me a derogatory name" she looked red.

"Go wait in my office. Now!" He put his head down and nodded his head and walked to the back "I am so sorry. Can I maybe make your meal on the house?" We shook our heads

"no ma'am we're happy to pay for our food. I just really hope that's not how all your employees are. I mean we haven't gotten our food yet so it probably wasn't as much" she nodded her head

A different waiter came back with our food and set it down on the table "well you ladies tell me if you need anything" we smiled and thanked her. "Wow. I can't believe we just did that" she said and I nodded my head

"I know. Pretty iconic if you ask me. Could've went different if I didn't play along" she smiled and thanked me for that

We talked about random things and my music for a while and then paid for the food.

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora