The many POV's

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Sabrina's POV:

Have you ever wanted someone so bad? They could be a celebrity, a teacher, a random person, or a friend. I'll give you two minutes.... Who is that one person that you'd dream of dating one day.

I dreamt of dating a girl. The girl I grew up with and who made me discover what my true passion is. See, me and her still talk but she doesn't know that I like her, she just thinks I'm being friendly.

I like- NO! I love her. I've loved her ever since I first met her in elementary. She's just never really paid too much attention to notice.

The truth is that I love Madison Elle Beer... but I know who her heart wants....

I walk downstairs and see max and y/n.

"Hey guys" y/n gives me a hug and walks to the living room. "Hey Y/n wanna hangout today?" She smiled sadly and shook her head "I'm gonna be with Elizabeth and her sisters today so I need to get ready soon anyways, sorry Sab" I nodded my head and went to grab a snack

Look. I'm not gonna deny that her relationship with Elizabeth rubs me the wrong way. 1, she's being groomed basically and 2, IT IS FUCKING WRONG. I should be the good friend that I am and stop it right? Too late already gonna go through with my plan

"Hey guys. I'll be back. Max text me if you need anything" he nodded his head and I left to my car. "You're crazy, Sabrina" I said to myself. I was currently driving to what could possibly be my downfall. But it's for y/n. It's for my friend.

Once I got to where I wanted to go I knocked on the door and there they were. "Sabrina?" I pushed her aside "Elizabeth we need to talk"

It was time.

Madison's POV:

"JACK! What do you mean you ran out?! We were talking about it on the phone last night!" I was at jacks apartment to pick up some more "powder" that he was selling. Obviously.

"Look, I had one of the guys come over so we could shoot some hoops and next thing you know he goes on a shopping spree" I roll my eyes "well I'm not leaving here until I get what I want" he rolled his eyes and pulled out a metal box.

"I can sell you this....but it's way too dangerous. Like you could put a bear to sleep with this shit" I was intrigued "well how much do I give her?" He thought for a second. He handed me two small bags

"this bag has the proper amount. Slip that in her food, drink, snack, whatever. Don't put nothing more. This bag is for like a second round in case you need more. But don't give her a lot you could literally kil- ow!" I threw my money at him and took it

"This is exactly what I need" I put it in my purse and left to my car

Today is gonna be fun

Olivia's POV:

Ok, Olivia. Just knock on the door. DO IT! I knocked on Y/n's door and there she was. Standing in all her beauty. "Hey Olivia! What's up?" I shook my head and gave her a tight hug "I just...missed your presence" she smiled and pulled me to a spot next to her

"What are you doing here?" Max asked me "I just came to visit, honest" y/n then laid her head on my shoulder and was clinging right next to me "I don't want you to go..." I wanted to savour that sentence but something about it didn't feel right

It was a perfect sentence but there's no such thing as perfect

Lex's POV:

I was currently waiting to be seen next by roger outside his office. Once he gave me the signal, I went in. "Alexis... I hope this is about something else and not about what I think it is" I shook my head

"I'm sorry but ARE YOU DUMB OR ARE YOU DUMB?! CAUSE YA CANT BE BOTH" he looked shocked "I'm sorry for my tone but roger what are you doing supporting this behaviour? Jesus, you have daughters of your own, wouldn't you disapprove of this relationship?!" He thinks for a second

"Alexis carrasco.... Never in my life have I ever heard such a statement from you" I got infront of his face "You do know that if people start to speculate about their relationship you could possibly lose a lot more than your morals" he then smirked

"and what could that be? Y/n? I can replace her at any moment" that's- that's for another discussion "money" his face dropped "you're gonna lose money because no one likes a grown adult who supports grooming. It makes the entertainment industry look worse" he then thought for a second

"Ugh...I hate how right you are" he then gets his phone out "Y/n? Yea. No it's nothing but.... I need you in my office... right. Now. No, come RIGHT NOW" he hung up and sat back in his chair "god I'm already gonna lose a lot. That's a fucking actress" he rubbed his temples and pointed to his door

"I need some time to think about what I'm gonna say. Please, Lex" I nodded my head and left

I'm sorry Y/n. I'm just looking out for you

Sabrina's POV:

"Sabrina what do you want? I'm in the middle of getting dressed" I stood in front of her "what is your deal?" She was confused "what are you talking about?" I was annoyed "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU AND Y/N?!" She rolled her eyes

"Are you just gonna complain to me? I've heard it all already" I crossed my arms and sat down "OF COURSE I AM GONNA COMPLAIN! Elizabeth she is EIGHTEEN! YOU ARE IN YOUR THIRTIES!" She rolled her eyes and sat down across from me

"So what? She doesn't care. Neither do I. So maybe you should stay out of our business" I had to pause for a moment. Did she- Did she just tell me what to do? Oh no, girl.

"That "business"? Is wrong in so many ways" she got up and started walking towards me. She then poked my chest while talking "STAY. OUT. OF. THIS!" Oh she did not!

I'm about to beat this bitch up

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now