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Y/n's POV:

I was sitting with Olivia when Madison comes through the door and when she sees Olivia her whole demeanour changes "Olivia... what a surprise" she had a small smirk on her face "Y/n you thirsty?" I thought for a second

"kinda...yea" she smiles and shows me a Gatorade "I bought you a Gatorade. Here I'll open it for you" she opens it up and I smile

"Thanks Madison" she smiled and just stayed standing there. After taking a giant sip I tasted a different flavor than what she gave me

Olivia's POV:

Once y/n took the sip of the Gatorade i could see Madison just staring at her for a while. Weird. "Madison?" Her focus snaps toward me "you good? You're starting to freak me out" she shakes her head "Oh I'm fine. I just wanted to get her opinion on the flavor" I nod my head

"Hey I gotta take this" y/n answered the phone and walked to the kitchen. Madison sat on the couch with us while we waited for y/n to get back. After a few minutes y/n comes rushing out

"Olivia get your keys. We gotta go see roger. Now" I nod my head and we start going to my car. Once I start the car I start talking

"What's going on?" She shrugs her shoulders "I don't know but he seemed kinda stressed out on the phone" I notice how jittery she seems "Are you ok? Did you like take something before I got to the house?" She looks confused and then notices her how shaky her hands are

"No. I don't know why I'm everywhere all of a sudden" after I pulled into the parking lot. We quickly got out of the car and headed inside. "Y/n. Roger needs you. You may head up" she nodds her head and we walk to the room

Once we make it into the elevator I notice Y/n start to zone in and out of reality. I then see her stumble but I quickly go to keep her up "woah, y/n are you ok?" She nodded her head sheepishly "ye-yea I'm fine I just need to...." She then falls on the floor and I try to wake her up but I get no response

"Fuck" we make it to Rogers floor and I drag her out the elevator "ROGER! ROGER!" He rushes out the room and sees the scene "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I'm freaking out "I don't know. She was just fine and then she just fell" he then starts touching her neck and hands

"I can't find a pulse" I take out my phone and call 911

911- Hello?

O- HI! My friend passed out or I think fainted. I don't think she's breathing

911- alright. Did she maybe take anything?

O- I don't know! Please send someone

911- I have ambulance on their way. Please stay on the line. Can you flip her over on her side. If she took anything you may need to make room for air

O- alright

I tell roger what they said and he tries it.

O- alright. We did it....

He shakes his head


911- I have word that paramedics are reaching you in the building. What floor are you on?

O- I'm on the twelfth floor

911- alright. I have paramedics heading your way right now.

O- thank you!

I hang up and see them come out the elevator "Ma'am please step out the way. Sir please let go of her" roger stands by me and comforts me. "We should probably go to the hospital. I need to know what happened" I nod my head

"I don't have a pulse" I hear one of them say "we're loosing her. Come on Y/n wake up" I was kinda shocked "you know who this is?" She nods her head "My niece is a fan of her. She makes me play her song everytime we're in the car" I smile and nodded my head

Jesus. I gotta call...I gotta call Selena. Shouldn't I wait though? Yea I'll wait.

"We are gonna have to take her to the hospital. Which one you can sit in the ambulance?" Roger pushed me towards them "this one is the girlfriend" I smile at him and he winked at me mouthing "you're welcome"

While I was in the ambulance with Y/n I just held her hand while rubbing my thumb across one of the rings she had on.

I have to call her

S- Hello? Olivia, everything alright

O- Y/n's in an ambulance right now on her way to the hospital!

Way to break it down easy, Olivia

S- WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED? Never mind. I'm on my way

O- Selena wai-

She hung up before I could finish. "Don't worry Y/n. Selena's on her way" I smile and kiss her hand "how long have you two been together?" I look up and it's the same person from before

"Uhh.... A few months now" she was confused "I thought she was dating Elizabeth Olsen?" I mentally rolled my eyes "that was just a PR stunt. We never wanted our relationship to get out here as much" she smiled and nodded her head

"I was about your age when I met my first love. She was the most beautiful girl in the whole universe" I smiled and listened to her "we met in an art exhibit. She was staring at a statue and I remember how her eyes scanned the body of the statue" she smiled and showed me an almost old photo

"Trust me when I say this, never give up on her. This may or may not be a wake up call" I smiled and thanked her. I looked at y/n and kissed her hand once more



"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now