Phase 1

887 31 17

Y/n's POV

"Y/n did you really just shout me out in an interview?" Olivia said before laughing "Yes, Yes I did" we went into the car and then Lex turned to me with a big smile "I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" I jumped back a little "why the fuck ARE YOU YELLING?!" She rolled her eyes and shushed

She then handed me a box. "What's this?" She just smiled and took her phone out. "Keys? I already have a car" she rolled her eyes while smiling "they're not car keys you idiot. They're apartment keys for your new apartment in downtown LA" I smiled and freaked out but stopped "wait- who's my roommate?" She shook her head and out her phone down

"We talked with Selena and thought it'd be best for you to be on your own. Mainly because you're surrounded by too much. Madison and then Elizabeth literally knows where you live. Don't worry about furniture. Your mama and papa got it done with the help of Selena. Wanna go see it?" I smiled while nodding my head

We drove for a few minutes "wow...this is far from home. Spider-Man pun not intended. What if I got a place closer?" She shook her head "Y/n I promise. We will make sure to visit" that kinda calmed me down.

We walked into the building and they clicked on the last button "I'm all the way at the top?!" I smiled hugely "Yes. We all know how much you love looking at nice views of the sunset and sunrise" I smiled at the fact that Lex always remembered every small memory or detail about me.

Once we reached my door I unlocked it and I immediate fell in love. There was just a nice big window view that I loved. Lex's phone then got a text "Shit. I've gotta go. So Y/n I'll leave you here and you can get adjusted. Your car is in the garage that this apartment has. Olivia come with me. This involves you too" I looked at them weird

"What is it?" Lex just shook her head and smiled at me "enjoy your place. y/n we moved everything from your room to your new room here so all your music stuff is in the room next to it" I was confused "how?! I was in my own room a few hours ago" I was still looking around "why do you think I planned for you to have an interview today? Also you don't have that much in your room. It was only two trips" geez

They eventually left and I was left by myself. I went into my room and saw that everyone was indeed here. I went into the next room and saw that my music stuff was set up and placed neatly. I saw that they added some new producing kits as well.

I decided to record 'A song for no one' since it would be my most simple one. Well not really. I had some things I wanted to add. 

Moments passing////

It's officially night time and I haven't heard from anyone. That's when I decided to start a live while writing some music


-How do I do this? Guys, sorry. I've never used this feature. Am I doing it? Yes! Hi people! My name is Y/n Gomez and i'm coming at you from my new apartment. Yes i'm living by myself and no it wasn't my idea

-Have you recorded any songs?
-Yes I have! I was actually going to have y'all help me write one right now

-I say we start with the piano and do something slow but quick. How should we start? Lyric wise

-What if we started with "Yea it makes me wanna cry. Don't know what to do"

-SimpforY/n said "Add it's the hard truth"

-"Yea it makes me wanna cry. don't know what to do. It's the hard truth" it just doesn't. It needs a little fixing "don't know what to's so hard but it's true" I kept it all there but reworded it "everybody wants a piece" should go after that

-so I'm thinking we go kinda disco on this. Kidding. We go bum, bum, bum, bum. On drums. So piano and then drums.

-I'm seeing a bunch of guitar comments. Maybe I'll add like bass? It goes with it too.

After almost an hour I had came up with most of the song

-ok I like the path that we're going on. I'll do the rest on my own. I'm just gonna answer some fan questions. So send in some questions one at a time. Really slow.

-Emilyru-EMILY RUDD IS ON MY LIVE! Wait- did you watch me make this song? Yes?! OH MY GOD THATS SO COOL. Sorry, sorry

-Selenator1 says "hi from Germany". HI GERMANY! I've always wanted to go. Maybe I'll go during the summer

-Elizabetholsen'swife- wow. Asked "where's Lizzie?" Uh. She's at her house probably contemplating life honestly.

-Tomholland asked "Will you come to avengers game night?" I don't know. What time will it be at?...6? I could probably make it. Who's house?....Evans? I'd love to hand out with Americas ass. Count me in

-Claudiatihan says "Hello, love bug. When are you coming back for the new shoot?" I shrugged my shoulders let me release this album. Hey! We should hang out again.

-Taylor hill, hi! I would love to meet up tomorrow. That would be cool. I love your work.

-Emilyrudd asked "when are you taking me out?" WAIT- REALLY?!?!...OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING. DM me!

-Timothee chalamet also wants to hang out...Tim last time we hung out you tried to talk me into going skydiving... "that was 5 months ago" ok and?!? I keep that to the mind

-ok. That's all I will answer for tonight. I love you all and to all a goodnight. Thanks. Also. Thank you for helping me. Byeeeee

Live ended

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now