Rewind to the beginning

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Y/n's POV

"SHE WHAT?! See I knew she wasn't good for you. You were way better off with Olivia" I roll my eyes "maybe you're right. But let's just go home. I wanna lay in bed all day" she nods her head "remember. You've got an interview at 4 so be ready by then" I nod my head and just stared out the window


"I love you, so much" I smiled while looking at her "I
love you too, " we were currently laying down and looking at the clouds. "I never understood the concept of love until I met you" she continued on "it was crazy cause I thought I wouldn't find it until now" I laughed a little

"Are you sure you don't wanna move to LA with me? We can get an apartment and then when I become famous we can get a house, YOU CAN GO ON TOUR WITH ME!" I laughed a little "as much as I would love to move in with you across the country. I have to graduate first" we sit up and we're facing each other

"Is this goodbye then?" I shook my head "think of it as like a see you later" she smiles and pulls me in for one last kiss. I make sure this one lasts before she pulls away "I'll drop you off" she smiled and we left to her house.

The ride wasn't awkward but comfortable. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to handle what would happen next.  We pull up to her place and she gets out the car and gives me her ring while I give her my necklace "there. Now we've still got each other by our sides" I form a sad smile and laugh at her a little

She waved on last goodbye before going into her house

Flashback over////

"Y/n? Wake up!" I hadn't noticed I feel asleep until she woke up "I'm here" I see that we're at our place and I get out with a sad smile. It was of a girl I used to date. She was my friend love and first girlfriend. I decided to not communicate with anyone and just let Lex explain it to them.

I locked my door behind me and pulled a box out from underneath my bed. There were photos, ticket stubs, old notes, and of course the ring she gave me. I have all her gifts to me in a box in my closet.

I laid down and looked at all the photos in my hand

On the back was written "Gracie's first little pop up show"

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On the back was written "Gracie's first little pop up show"

On the back was written "Gracie's first little pop up show"

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"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now