Fight for the girl

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Y/n's POV:

"ALRIGHT THATS A WRAP! Y/n! COME QUICK" I sped walked to where she spoke and she smiled "you...are...a...natural, NATURAL I SAY" she then gave me a hug.

"How would you like to sign to Victoria secret. You'd get the whole experience. The fashion shows, travelling international, and making a lot of money" I was shocked

"You do know I'm only 18 right?" She then thought "old enough. Now, what are you doing for a living currently" she said while crossing her arms "I'm a singer ma'am. I'm Y/n Gomez" I then saw her smile wider

"Ah yes. My daughter and son play your song in the car all the time. Amazing to see that talent runs in the family. Well look the offer still stands. I won't even give a due date. You're a natural, kid. If you ever change your mind, even in three years, call me" I nodded my head and took her card

"Are you publishing those photos?" She then shrugged her shoulders "well I don't think so unless you join the team" ah hell no. I stayed almost 3 hours at this fucking photo shoot. "I'll join your team" she smiled widely

"Amazing. When can we get you started?" I thought for a moment "I'm kind of in the middle of recording an album but i guess after that so I guess in like couple of months" she then shook my hand

"alright. Y/n Gomez, welcome to the team and I'm proud to announce...GUYS!"she had everyone including the models gather around

"I would like to proudly announce a new angel to the team. She's not only gonna be our newest angel but she's also a famous musician. Everyone give a warm welcome too....Y/N GOMEZ!" She gave me a side hug and everyone smiled and clapped, welcoming me to the team

I smiled and waved then went to get dressed back into my clothing. "Where ya going?" Claudia said while walking up to me "I gotta get home. Olivia planned something for me and I wanted to see what she did" she nodded her head. I head to my car and text her


Hey, I'm omw!!!


Alright be safe :)

I smiled and drove back home. Once I got home I unlocked the door and went into the living room. "Hey guys have you seen Olivia?" They smiled and pointed to my room. I thanked them and went upstairs

Once I entered my room I was in awe. "Hey" she said shyly. She had a bowl of popcorn, assorted snacks, and a few drinks out. "Uh I know things have been pretty hectic and I know what happened was wrong but I figured a small date would make it up" I smiled and hugged her

"Yes. Of course" she pulled my hand towards the bed. "Geez Rodrigo if you wanted to get me in bed with you, you could've asked" I said while laughing. She blushed a little and put her head down while shaking her head

"So I figured we could either watch a movie or play a game and just do something to spend time with each other" I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'd love that" I said and she smiled. We sat down on the bed and played some episodes of 'the office'.

Sabrina's POV

"What do you think is happening?" I asked "mmmm....they're probably fucking" max said and Lex slapped his head "are you dumb or stupid? Cause you can't be both" we laughed while Madison got up. She rolled her eyes and walked outside to the pool area. I of course followed.

I opened the door after she had closed it and closed it myself. "Hey. Madi you good?" She shook her head while sitting on the ledge of the pool. "Why her?" I knew exactly what this was about.

I always knew Madison felt something towards Y/n. It wasn't obvious but I could tell. The others though, took her as being playful and friendly. "This is about Olivia right?" She nodded her head and stared at the pool.

"Well Madison, in all honesty, you had your shot. You could've taken that chance because at that point in time before Olivia came along, you had so much time to ask her out" she then looked at me

"That's the thing. I did shoot my shot and I messed it up" I looked at her confused. I sat next to her and she faced me "The day y/n released her song. I confessed my feelings to her" I was still confused

"I then said how it didn't matter and my feelings will go away and blew her off. I didn't even give her a chance to tell me how she felt" I then slapped the back of her head "are you dumb? Why would you Fuck that up for yourself?" She put her head down

"You could've had her dude. But no you decided to basically push her away and now look, she's got someone in her room that's taking that moment away from you" she then smiled sadly at me

"Fight for her...." I suddenly said after a moment of silence "or don't" she then looked at me confused "if she's really worth it then fight for her. If you think she's better off with Olivia then....let her go. You can't have her and not want her at the same time" I said before giving her a hug and leaving to join the others

But before I could put my hand on the sliding door, Madison spoke up. "I'm fighting for her....." I then turned around and looked at her "what?" She then stood up with a confident smirk on her face

"I'm fighting for my girl, Olivia better watch out because I'm sure as hell not going to back down. So she better watch her back" she then confidently followed me inside "oh boy" I said to myself. When I said fight for her, whatever was going through Madison's mind, isn't what I meant when I said that

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now