The Interview Pt. 2

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Y/n's POV:

I sat down on the couch and was already messing with the bracelet and Zach of course noticed. He then hands me some stuffed animals. "Don't worry. I've met some people like you. They said these usually help them feel more at home" he was right

"Alright. You ready?" I smiled and nodded my head "alright....3....2..." we started

Z: Hello Guys it's Zach here with the amazingly talented Y/n Gomez. Y/n how's it going?

Y: it's going good actually. So much has happened today

Z: really. Do care to tell

I looked at the cast and they smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

Y: well for starters...My manager had me wake up really early. Like I'm usually awake at least by 12 or 1 so today was different. Then I went into the kitchen to eat cereal but she literally...took my bowl and wouldn't let me eat until I got dressed.

Z: wait...your manager- she took- she took your cereal?

He starts laughing and so do I

Y: yes. Two hands and everything. I obviously got dressed and went back down to claim what's mine

We continue laughing

Z: sounds eventful. I actually just did some yoga before coming

I looked at him weirdly and chuckled

Y: yoga? Honestly I've heard so much about it

Z: it's very relaxing. I would definitely recommend. Now let's get onto the serious topic here...This outfit

I smiled

Y: Ah yes thank you for noticing. Lex told me to dress hot and I obviously always get the assignment

Z: you do look beautiful today

Y: stop flirting Zach!

Z: she's also a jokester

We both laughed and I was feeling comfortable already

Z: so about your new song Wonder. What's the whole story behind it?

Y: I think it's about love and loving someone so much that you feel as though your life is complete. For me love was a tricky task but things happen and you're automatically motivated

Z: beautiful. Who is this special person huh?

Y: that is a question I cannot really answer. Again this song is just based on experience.

Z: well are you seeing someone?

Y: I am, actually. They're an amazing person. It's honestly so amazing to have them with me throughout every day

I smiled while looking down. I looked Into the crowd and saw Elizabeth rolling her eyes at something Tom Holland told her.

Z: well I'm sure whoever this lucky guy is must be proud to have you

I nervously laughed

Y: well I would hope so Zach. Would be really embarrassing.

Z: so how is your family? I read somewhere that your grandparents take care of you and your sister?

Y: Yes my mama and papa take great care of me and my sister. My sister actually has them living with her so she can like 1) watch them so to speak and 2) be able to have more time with them

Z: that's nice. Now again with Wonder. Is there an album expected or another song to be released?

Y: Mmm....I can't say just yet. Even though it's tempting. But I'll make sure you're the first to know when there's an album coming

Z: so you're friends with Sabrina Carpenter right?

Y: that's my best friend, so yes.

Z: what was your reaction when the whole Joshua and Olivia Rodrigo drama went down

Y: I actually saw that! I was so confused on why Sabrina never told me but honestly I don't think it's drama. It's probably something that people created.

Z: a very calm person, I can see

Y: Anyways, I love how you've come out of your studio to make your way into this one?

Z: well I just wanted to make this one a special episode. Considering a lot of people are in love with your new song. Now was there any process you had to go through to write it?

Y: I would like to say that 1) we switch to this topic a lot and 2) a lot of thinking, self-relation, and meditation. I feel like once you get in touch with your inner self, you can get over that blockade that's stopping you from revealing your true emotion.

Z: That is the most beautiful answer I've heard

We both laugh a little

Z: ooh are there any certain artists you'd want to collaborate with?

Y: Yea. Ariana grande, Gracie Abrams, and definitely Ruel. He's such a talented artist and I respect him just as much as I respect every other artist

Z: Would there be any chance that you appear as a guest star on your sisters cooking show?

Y: I don't think so. I've noticed how happy she is being surrounded by her friends and other professional chefs that I don't really want to basically squeeze myself in that. Same with her. If I was doing like a small reality show or something I'm sure she'd wanna just let me have my moment. Unless were asking for each other to specifically appear, you know?

I look towards the cast and they're all silently mouthing cheers. They're waving their hands wildly and I laugh a little.

Z: I understand that. Again with your success there have been positive and negative comments towards you. Explain that part.

Y: yea that's definitely been an issue for some time now and it's crazy because even before I came into the light with you know; my sister being so big it's just like, I never thought in a thousand years people could think so negative of me.

Z: yea and I know this is a really sensitive topic for you so I'm sorry about asking but, what's something you can probably say to people basically if they're going through the whole "you should be more like your older sister/brother"

Y: I would say....

I looked at lex and she gave me a comfortable smile and a thumbs up mouthing 'it's ok'.

Y: It's not gonna last forever. You will feel this giant brick of responsibilities being put on you but just you wait, because in the end you will come to realize your self worth. It might not take one day, one month, or one year. But the time will come where you know exactly where you wanna be.

Z: that...was....amazing. Now how do you feel knowing that you're making your own success. What are some of the challenges you had to face or are still facing?

Y: I've definitely overcome many obstacles. Like for example in every article it's no longer "The sister of..." or "The famous singer's sibling" it's now just "Y/n Gomez" or even "The wonder singer" like that feeling of accomplishment will forever live on. Some challenges I'm still facing are those responsibilities I was just talking about. Some people still want me to do exactly what my sister is doing. You know with the movies and the makeup line. It's just too much

Z: amazing. I get it now. You've had so many moral dilemmas of "oh if I don't do this...will I lose that spotlight I've worked so hard for?"

Y: yea! And it's not even mostly that but it's like "what SHOULD I do more than I SHOULD" you know? It's like I'm trying to impress a bunch of fucking opinionated people who will never be happy! No matter how much I may do they will never know how much I've sacrificed for them

I then saw Elizabeth get up and shout


Z: yes it was Elizabeth

We both laugh at her and Zach makes a small gesture with his hand. Kind of like a thumbs up.

Z: alright. Well it was really nice talking to you Y/n. I hope when that album comes out we meet again!

Y: of course Zach. I wouldn't miss this for the world.

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