You guys... the girls are fighting

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Y/n's POV

As I walked in Elizabeth's house I felt safe for a moment. Like all my problems went away. No way that moment can last forever. "So what's the schedule for tomorrow again?" She goes through her calendar "we have my sisters thing at 1 and then Lex just sent me an errand for you. You've got an interview with me at 4" I nod my head

"You hungry?" I nod my head "what are you craving?" I thought for a second "depends. What do you feel like making?" She thought as well "whatever fills up your stomach" I laugh and think for a second "How about a classic PB and J?" She nodded her head and started to make it

"Do you remember anything?" I was confused "pardon?" Pardon? How old am I? 40? Jesus I've been with Lizzie too long. "Do you remember anything before you passed out?" I sat down and really thought for a second

"We were supposed to go to your sisters..." I look down kinda disappointed. "Im so sorry. I knew you had a lot planned and I screwed it all up" she came and gave me a hug "no no. It's ok. Really." She slid the plate in front of me "eat up, love. I'll meet you upstairs" I nodded my head

I went through Instagram before I finally got up and went upstairs. I went to the bathroom to change and then went into the spare bedroom she had. An hour or two passes by before I hear the door open "Jesus. I thought you were downstairs" she said laughing a little "I didn't know if you wanted me with you or not" she rolled her eyes a little "I said I'd meet you upstairs...." I look down a little "right, right" I follow her to her room and lay in bed with her

It felt kind of nice

It wasn't gonna last long

Next morning

"Wake up. We gotta get dressed" I get up and didn't have time to process before she threw some clothes at me. "Jesus liz" she rolled her eyes and said she'd meet me downstairs "alright...I guess" I got dressed

Your outfit

I walk downstairs and she's drinking some coffee "how's the outfit?" I shrug my shoulders "it's comfy but not what I put in my bag

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I walk downstairs and she's drinking some coffee "how's the outfit?" I shrug my shoulders "it's comfy but not what I put in my bag. Speaking of which... where are those clothes?" She shrugged her shoulders

She put her mug away and we got in her car "alright when we get there. Try to keep a small talk going. Don't go on for too long. Also, try to not talk about any music you're making or anything about our sister" I was confused "then what do I talk about?"she shrugged her shoulders "hmmmm..... your goals and aspirations" before I got the chance to speak she turned the car on and the radio

She tried to grab my hand but I kept it in my lap the whole time. I fell asleep on the ride to her sisters and it was my best choice. "Come on" I got out the car and her sisters were right there "Lizzie! Y/n? What a surprise" what? They invited me...

"Yea...a surprise" we walked into the house and sat in the living room "so... how's everything been Y/n? Since the last time we spoke" I thought for a second.... Goals. "I've been trying to.... Workout more. You know? I need more....muscle?" I looked at Elizabeth and she nodded her head with a small thumbs up

"Ok? Well how's work been?? Any new songs?" Alright alright... aspirations "I'm not as motivated. That's what I've been working on. Just finding myself" I looked and Elizabeth gave me a small thumbs up. Elizabeth's phone went off. She stepped outside to take it "you know. I'm surprised you're still with her" Mary-Kate said "why?" She sat back and looked at me with confusion

"Well she had been hanging out with some dude or whatever and I just thought y'all were over" I was confused "when was this?" They thought for a second "when you had said no to meeting up with us the first time. Elizabeth said you couldn't make it" Ashley said

"Guys. I didn't come because I was in the hospital..." I said and got up "I need to go" they got up quick "wait! Don't! It's probably nothing" I shook my head "I'm sorry. But there's been way too many red flags that I've just been ignoring. I need to make a phone call" their faces had panic written all over them

"Ok" I walked outside and had my phone dialling Lex.

A- Hey loser. What's up?

Y- If I send you an address will you pick me up?

A- I- yea sure. Why?

Y- I'll tell you when you get here

A- Alright, bye!

Y- Bye

I hung up and sent her the address while Elizabeth was confused "going somewhere?" I shook my head "I'm done" she was confused "what? You're done? With like a song or?" I looked at her firmly "No. I'm done with us. This is the start of something toxic" she was kinda more confused

"I am 18, Elizabeth. I may be mature but I am not mature enough for you. Also, that whole controlling what I talk about and wear situation was a red flag itself." She shook her head "so you're just gonna leave? Not even talk about it first?" I was annoyed

"I TRIED! You cut me off like time saying that everything was good between us! Look. Lex is almost here. It's best if she doesn't see you with me" she rolled her eyes. "I'm not letting you go" I rolled me eyes "well you're gonna have to" Lex's car was visible from a distance

"Whatever. Have fun with all that drama" she said while rolling her eyes "Liz. We both know you were literally the cause of it" with that being said I stepped into Lex's car and waved bye to Liz before she drove off

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I nodded my head and explained everything

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now