The interview Pt. 1

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Y/n's POV:


I turned my alarm off and got out of bed. I checked the time and it said 10:09. Reasonable time. I ended up going downstairs first before getting ready. "hello people" I said to Madison, Max, and Lex. I was pouring my cereal when the bowl got taken away from me. "hey! I didn't even pour the milk in yet!" Lex was holding the bowl

"YOU need to get dressed. Go dress up. DRESS HOT TODAY" she said while I walked upstairs. I went into my closet and decided on dressing darker today. I ended up doing some light makeup and then fixing my hair and doing the usual.

Your outfit:

A smile was on my face when I went down stairs and Lex gave me my cereal back

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A smile was on my face when I went down stairs and Lex gave me my cereal back. "And peace is restored" max said. I ate my breakfast and was dragged to the car by Lex. "We gotta get there early so we can meet everyone" I was still confused and I just took a small nap.

I was woken up by Lex poking my face "Ow you dumb bitch" I swatted her finger away and she got out the car. I stretched before exiting the car myself "Lex...Where the fuck are we" she then put a blindfold over me "This is not how I imagined being blindfolded" I said

I ended up running into what seemed like a metal pole "LEX WHAT THE HELL" she quickly apologized and kept in a place. "Alright Y/n. You can take the blindfold off now." I took it off and was immediately freaking out. We were on the set of Avengers. Currently in what looks like the set of the avengers tower

"Lex...NO FREAKING WAY. YOU BROUGHT ME TO THE SET OF THE AVENGERS?!?" She smiled "Yes. And I wanted you to meet some people" she then opened a door and in came some of the cast. Both Chris', Both Toms, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johanson, Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Mackie, and even Sebastian Stan!

"Oh my god! I'm a huge fan!" I said and ran up to them freaking out. They then acted just like me "Well I'm also a really big fan!" Tom Holland said and Sebastian pushed him out the way "Sebastian. Nice to meet you. Big fan. Loved the song" he said and gave me a giant hug

Chris Evans pulled him off "Sorry. He's a hugger" Anthony Mackie said "wait. I thought the avengers were like almost over. Why are we on the set of the tower?" I asked Robert "We heard you needed acting help and we wanted to show you how it's done! And nothings better than being on a marvel set with the actual actors acting" he said and I nodded my head

"Hi..." I turned and saw Elizabeth. "Hi" I said giving her a soft smile "I'm Elizabeth- well you obviously know that- I like the song I've been listening to it on repeat- not like I'm obsessed- I should stop talking now" she said and blushed while looking down.

"Hey it's alright. I've been rewatching wandavision" I said and Anthony ran over to us "What about our show?" I smiled and jumped "I LOVED IT. I mean you holding and using the shield is just every fans dream" he smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me in the process

"See Liz? I knew ours was better" I then laughed "I actually loved the story plot and the emotion behind Wandavision. Her reasoning for everything made me feel like I was literally losing someone as well" she smiled and hugged me "knew ours was better" I smiled

"So Lex. Where's zach?" She then looked at her phone "He's coming right now. Guys Robert should've set up some chairs for y'all to sit and watch. Y/n sit on that couch on the set. They'll be watching on the side to see both you and zach. Zach will sit on the other side so make sure there's space to still relax" Lex was really good at managing and I'd never replace her for anyone else

All of a sudden zach came in by himself and had set up a little makeshift station and brought me and the cast some food. "Hey Y/n. We're gonna be ready in 10. So just be ready alright?" He said and smiled. I nodded my head and was automatically nervous and ig the cast could notice.

I ran up to them freaking out "How do I do it? Act natural when in reality I'm dying" Chris Hemsworth then spoke up "Just breathe in and breathe out. Treat this like another conversation with a family member." I smiled and Elizabeth came up to me "Here" she handed me her bracelet she had on

"Mess with it if you need to fidget with something. And if anything just look at us and we'll do something stupid to make you calm down" I smiled and gave her a bug hug. Tom Holland just smirked and laughed a little. Earring a glare from Elizabeth

"Alright Y/n Were getting ready!" Elizabeth gave me one last hug. "Go Kill this interview" I smiled and headed to the couch.

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now