"She's 32 and you're 18. That's not gonna look good"

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up and immediately my stomach kinda felt horrible and I knew it was a sign to throw up. But I didn't drink? Then again I did eat with Liz and then ate some snacks with Madison. Once I was done disposing my mess I had gotten dressed to head out.

I would be shopping today. I wanted to update my style and make an improvement. I grabbed my phone and noticed several missed calls and messages from Olivia. I totally forgot to send the video so I sent it.

She was happy with it. actually I think she almost she almost cried.

As I walked downstairs I heard an unfamiliar voice. "yea. No. I was just coming by to check on ya mads. You never updated me on how it went" I saw that it was Jack talking to Madison in the dining room. "On how what went?" Jacks eyes widened and he shut his mouth quick. Madison just gave him a glare

"Nothing. Just a music video I'm working on. JACK WASN'T SUPPOSED TO SAY ANYTHING!" She said and he made an apologetic smile "sorry mads" she shook her head in her hands and I grabbed a water.

"Well I'm off to the mall. I'll be back later. Text me if you need anything" she said a small 'ok' and I left to my car. I decided on speeding through the lights. Yes it's dangerous and no I didn't get a ticket but hey 'No cop, no stop' and 'no fed, no red'

I get out the car and head inside. I walk around and look at the window displays and I see some outfits on a mannequin that I want. So I walk inside and the music is loud. I grab a few pieces and try them on. As I go up to pay for some clothing I hear a guys voice behind me

"Why don't you let me pay for that, babe?"I then see him come right up next to me "sup, the name's Wesley. What's yours?" He said smirking and I couldn't tell but he was paying for my things by sliding his card to the cashier

"None of your business" I then heard another guy try to hold back a laugh. He rolled his eyes and gave me my bag of clothes "anyways, would you wanna catch a movie or something?" I shake my head and try to walk away but he got in front of me

"C'mon. It's just for one day. Scouts honour" he said and shined a smile "is there a problem here?" I recognized the voice. I turned and it was Elizabeth. "Yea. You're here interrupting something for me and the pretty lady" I rolled my eyes

"Really? Cause last time I checked she was my girlfriend" she said with hatred in her voice. Stepping closer with her fists balled up. His eyes then widened

"hey. I mean no harm. Really, I just wanted to be her friend" she wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me close to her.

"Wanna get lost?" He nodded his head and him and his friend leave. I thank her and she nodded her head "why are you here?" She said. I held up the bag and she smacked her forehead

"right, right. I'm here for the same thing. My sisters birthday is coming up and I just wanted to get her like a jacket since she criticizes a lot of shirts and pants but not jackets" I nod my head and she grabbed my bag

"I can carry it" I said with a small smile "no it's fine. I've got it" I thank her and we head to a food court. We ordered some pizza and sit down with her facing in front of me

"So you and this one person. How is it going?" I smiled "it's going good. I've actually written some songs about her" she then tilts her head "how long have you been dating?" I shake my head "we're actually talking" she then looks at me weird

"so you're barely talking to this girl and you're already writing songs about her?" I then thought about it "yea. I guess you're right. You think I'm moving too fast?" She nods her head and I think for a second

"What should I do?" She then also thinks for a second "maybe hold off on the songs. Write something else instead. Write about family or maybe your friends" I then shake my head "that's been done before" she looks at me like I'm dumb

"And love songs haven't? Look all I'm just saying is that maybe spending some time with someone will help inspire something else" she said with a small smile

"Maybe we could hang out! It would be fun" I said and she nodded her head "sure. We can go over to the set later. I've got someone I want you to meet. Someone who could help boost your career" I was confused

"Look, what happens when you eventually get tired of singing? You're gonna wanna keep that career of yours in Hollywood, going. So I know a way for you to help your career be more than singing. I can land you a role in a new film" I was skeptical still

"What type of film?" She then went through her phone and showed me an email "it's for a Marvel film. You'd be voice acting for a Disney plus show. It'll take a while for them to actually develop the whole thing but it'll definitely boost tour career" I smiled and hugged her

"I'll definitely do it then" she smiled and hugged me back. "Alright well. I've gotta head home and talk to lex along with my label about the album" she nodded her head and gave me one last hug before parting ways.

While on my way to the car all I kept thinking about was what she said about me and Olivia. She's right. I am rushing things.

I arrive to the house and I see lex sitting on the couch. I then set my things down "lex I need to speak with you for a moment" we then head to the pool area and I close the door

"What's up?" She sat in front of me. I was scared cause I don't know how she'll react "I can't release those songs yet" she's taken back a little "I'm sorry? You can't release them? Yet?! Y/N WHY?!" I then put a hand on her shoulder

"I was with Elizabeth today cause I ran into her at the mall and when we were eating she was asking about my love life and told her the whole shabang and the songs I wrote about Olivia and she made me realize how fast I'm moving" she looked at me crazy

"Y/n this is the worst time to do this. Roger is expecting this album before the end of this year. What am I gonna tell him?!" I shook my head

"I'm still gonna release the songs but not yet. They'll be on the album but I just don't want anyone to hear those songs. I can't feel like I'm moving fast and I don't think Olivia is ready to hear it also" she then shook her head again

"Y/n she's 32 and you're 18. This is not gonna look good" I was confused "you two hanging out a lot? Together....alone? Hugging, holding hands. Yea I know I saw photos from y'all's little lunch date on the internet" my eyes widened

"Hey woah. If you saw them then Olivia must've also...." she nodded her head "aw man. Y/n you better call her and explain" she said

"I'll let you do the whole not releasing the music thing cause at the end of the day that album is getting released. The whole adult and kid thing... you're on your own just be careful" I nodded my head and took my phone out

I really gotta explain this and I hope she'll understand

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now