Max is a good friend

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Y/n's POV:

I called Olivia and my heart was beating

O- Y/n? What do you want?

That hurt....

Y- I'm guessing you saw the photos?


That was a genuine question right? KIDDING! I'm kidding

Y- No. liv, look. Let me explain. See me and Elizabeth were eating together and then I went to answer your call and-


Y- OLIVIA! LET ME EXPLAIN. Now... after the call was over I went to the table and the waiter was bother her and to help her out of her situation we pretended we were dating and so-

She was then laughing. What does that mean?

O- god. If you wanted to stop whatever we had you could've said so. You didn't have to go behind my back and get with someone else. Someone who may I add IS ALMOST THREE TIMES YOUR FUCKING AGE Y/N

Y- Olivia you're really not understanding anything right now

O- please tell me exactly what I'm not understanding

Y- me and Elizabeth are just friends, I was helping her from a creepy waiter, and the fact that you won't even bother listening

O- sure. That's exactly why y'all were holding hands huh? To scare away a creepy waiter? You couldn't have just i don't a manager?

Y- we did...after

O- I- Bye Y/n

Then the line went silent. I slumped down in defeat. This completely goes against what I wanted at first. But maybe this is a sign. If the time comes that we do end up together again then it was meant to be.

I decided to go to my room and try to just chill out and think about things. Maybe Lizzie was right. I should call her- FUCK! I just realized I never got her number and she doesn't have an instagram.

I'll just text Tom on instagram


Hey, Tom! Do you happen to have Elizabeth's number?

Yea I do! I'll send it right now :)
(Insert number)

Thank you!!!!

Anytime :) wanna hang out soon? I need new friends

Me hang out with Spider-Man? Of course 🤭😏

A famous singer is my new friend?! Awesome! 🤩😌

I closed the app and dialled the number

Y- Hey Lizzie

?- Who's this?

Y- It's y/n I had Tom give me your number

E- oh! Hey y/n how did it go? Did you tell them?

Y- yea. My manager is letting me do it but the girl I was telling you about saw photos from our lunch that we had and there was photos of us holding hands

E- oh man....I'm sorry. Did you try explaining it?

Y- yea and she would cut me off every time she heard something that she didn't like

E- that's not good y/n. She should've heard you out. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how she is

Y- I don't know but can I go to your place or something? I wanted to see if I could maybe just distract myself?

E- I'm actually going to an interview. I can pick you up if you want?

Y- yea! Definitely.

E- alright send me your address and we could head over

I hung up and sent her the address. I decided to head back to the living room and see what everyone's doing

Once i step downstairs all the noise went quiet. "Hey guys" I said and they just awkwardly looked at me "Hi....y/n. Are you ok?" Sabrina said. I was confused

"ok? I mean I would hope so. I'm not sick or anything" max then blurted out "We know Olivia cut things off with you" Madison then slapped the back of his head

"What? I mean we're y'all gonna say? It was gonna be awkward. I'm just doing what y'all are to scared to do. Also, y/n you can always talk to us if you need something" I nodded my head and smiled

"I'm fine though. I'm about to head out with Elizabeth to one of her interviews" Madison then looked at me weird "y/n....why are you hanging out with someone old?" I got defensive

"She's not old! You don't know her so don't start talking" she rolled her eyes "y/n were just worried for you. Doesn't it seem kinda weird how this whole adult woman is hanging out with a teenager?" Madison said

"Y'all had no problem with Megan why do you guys all of a sudden have a problem with Elizabeth?" I sat down annoyed "because we knew her. We actually did a whole project for her and with her. Elizabeth has nothing to do with us" Sabrina said

All of a sudden there was a honk of a horn outside "look she's here. I'll talk to y'all when I get back. Bye" I walked outside and saw her smile when I got close to her car "ready to go?" I smiled and nodded my head. She then drove off

Sabrina's POV

A few minutes after y/n had left we see a car pull up. "Look guys. Olivia's here" max said. we were confused. She walked up and knocked on the door.

"Hey Olivia. What's up?" She looked kinda bummed "I'm just really upset right now. I need to talk to y/n, have you guys seen her?" We nodded our heads "she actually left with Elizabeth to on of her interviews" her whole demeanour changed

"Elizabeth? Why the hell is she with her?" We shrugged our shoulders "guys isn't it weird though? Like no one from the marvel cast is like that except for Elizabeth. Guys I think there's something wrong here" Madison said

"What? Like she's feeling natural feelings for a woman?" Max said and we just looked at him. "What? I'm the only one being supportive of her right now. None of y'all are doing it. And honestly I love Elizabeth's work. Have y'all seen Wandavision? She was meant to play the part of a badass" we rolled our eyes

"Max it's not right!" I said "YOU guys don't think it's right. Did it ever occur to you guys that maybe she made a new friend?" We shook our heads "ok but did it ever occur to you Max that maybe, just maybe Elizabeth is grooming the girl?" He then shook his head

"She's not though" he said crossing his arms this time. "Look give it a fucking week and you'll see what I'm talking about" I then shook my head and sat back down. Throughout the whole conversation I could see Olivia's face change a lot

"Whatcha thinking about?" She shook her head "on one hand I'm really mad that she's with her but on the other hand if she is really starting to be groomed maybe we should stop it" I shook my head

"she 18, Olivia. I hate to say it but if she was literally a year younger we'd be able to stop her but we can't." She sighed in defeat "I don't like this" she said and sat with the others. I then joined her

"I don't like this either"

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now