A planned out attack....not really. But it was planned

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Y/n's POV:

After successfully getting out the crevice. Olivia hugged me. "Jesus Christ you scared me" I smiled and gave her a hug. "Yea Y/n/n" lex gave me a hug as well. "Now let's go" we headed back to the car and went to the office since there's no point of going home. We're probably like super late anyways.

On our way to the office I was just taking a small nap. I woke up to stretch and I could feel eyes on me. I turned back and saw Olivia eyeing me "Are you not at all hurt? You literally fell. How the fuck are you just sitting nonchalant?!" Olivia said and I laughed

"Chill Liv. Y/n's gotten hurt so many times but she's a soldier" I laugh and nod my head "we're here bitches. Prepare yourself" we walk into the building and already there's people staring at me. I'm awkwardly walking to the elevator

Then I see Camila come our way. "Jesus Y/n. You look..."I hold my hand up "I know. I nearly died on our hike. So this meeting better be worth it" we all got into the elevator and just waited "How exactly did you almost die?" I looked at her "fell into a hole" I saw a smile forming. She was holding in her laugh

Next thing I know is we're on the right floor and walking out. Once we walk into Rogers office I see him try to hold in a laugh as well "Ha ha very funny. I know I look like a mess right now. I just couldn't get out of something. Now about this interview, what is there to go over anyways?" He smiled

"You've always been such a hands on person and a great leader but that's not all that I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to go to this one movie studio and really grasp the concept of acting. I want you to see how they channel their character. See how they work and study facial expressions" I looked at him confused

"It's for your music video. I want you to have everything down to a T" I actually understood him this time. He wants me to make this video super convincing. "Is there an address?" He smiles and hands me a slip of paper

"that's all you need. I already called and they know you're coming. But anyways go enjoy the rest of your day. And don't fall in a hole next time ya hike" I look at Alexis "don't look at me, bitch" I then look at Camila and she laughed "what? I couldn't not tell Roger" I roll my eyes and walk out his office.

Olivia came up next to me and I felt her hold my hand. "It's alright, it's alright. They'll forget about it eventually" I smiled and kissed her cheek. We walked to the car and I waited for Lex to get back. Once she came, she had a giant smile on her face.

"Jesus, what's up with you?" She shook her head "Just.... Make sure you look super duper hot for that interview tomorrow" she then started the car and I looked at her weirdly before nodding my head "So...What's gonna happen now?" Lex then looked at Olivia through the mirror

"We drop you off at your house. y/n cannot have a distraction tonight. She'll thank me tomorrow when she's not all tired" I then rolled my eyes and smiled. "This better be worth it Carrasco" she then smiled at me "ooh last names.... Alright then Gomez" I then remembered something

"Wait.... if I'm going somewhere else tomorrow, then how am I gonna do the interview?" She then thought for a minute.

"Zach is gonna be there. Y'all will talk at the place tomorrow. But just know. This crowd will be very different. When me and roger were talking about it just now. He said they're all really huge fans of you and they didn't wanna pass up the opportunity on giving you tips on how to look good for your video"

It made sense I guess. "Alright well. Let's wish me luck then" we stopped by Olivia's house and dropped her off then headed to our place right after. "Alright y/n. Go get some rest. I mean it. You'll thank me later, right after you're done freaking out since we pulled a lot of strings" I smiled and headed up to my room.

I went behind lex's back and ended up FaceTiming Olivia. Mainly to help me fall asleep since her voice is soothing.

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now