Its the indecisiveness for me

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Y/n's POV:

I walked back into the house and sat down on the couch looking at my feet and messing with my car keys. "Everything alright, y/n?" I shook my head and looked at her "I think I'm just a little homesick. I'm gonna go head back to my place." She was confused

"What about my sisters. The dinner?" I shrugged my shoulders "I'll figure everything out before hand. Ill be back though" I walked up to her and hugged her tight

I looked up and saw that she was looking at down. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head and kissed her. She put her hands through my hair. I felt something in my stomach but it wasn't butterflies or fireworks.

It felt like guilt. "I'll see you tomorrow" she said with a small smile. I nodded my head and went to my car. I drove home with a thought in my head. Olivia.

Once I got home I walked inside and seen everyone watching a movie. When they saw me, they all got up real quick and hugged me.

"Hey y/n!" They said while smiling. I waved at them and gave them all a sad smile. "I'm... I'm gonna go to bed" I walked up the stairs and went inside my room

I felt horrible. I threw away so much for what? I then heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I sat at my desk and just looked at the Polaroids on my wall.

"Hey. Didn't expect to see you come back home" it was Sabrina "yea we'll me either but here I am" I was still upset but I didn't want her to know that I was. "Hey, everything alright?" I nodded my head and turned around. A fake smile automatically popping up

She smiled and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you're back" she said and I forced a small laugh. She left and I immediately cut the act.

I think maturing is realizing that I am the villain.

I took out my guitar and started recording on my phone. I played around with a few cords and started singing "I wake up, little drunk..."

Sabrina's POV:

I went back downstairs and I saw them talking "hey guys wanna keep watching the movie?" They shook their heads "I'm HUNGRY!" Max said and I pushed him away from me.

"Wanna grab some food?" Madison said "Yea. Let me ask Y/n" I walked upstairs and heard her singing with her guitar "I wrote this song for no one" I then heard her put the guitar down

I knocked on the door "come in" I walked into the room and I seen her putting her phone away "new song?" She nodded her head "I love it so far. It's content and I feel content" I nod my head

"me and the ladies we're gonna get food. Wanna come? You can pick this time" her face lit up "THANK GOD! Max always wants to show up some dumb places. Last time I think I got food poisoning" I laughed and we walked downstairs

Y/n's POV:

I was genuinely happy. Happy to be around my friends, my family basically. Also I got to pick what we eat. We ended up eating a Chinese restaurant. Best food ever by the way. I picked the pho. Would highly recommend also.

I was sitting in between Madison and Lex. Madison would stare at me every so often. I ended up meeting her gaze and I smiled at her. She blushed and looked away. "Remember the time that Y/n and Max got in trouble? It was during that one talent show" I laughed at the memory

Flashback //////////

Me, Max, Lex, Mads, and Sabrina went to the same highschool. It was a talent show. We were all seniors watching the lower grades go first.

"Next up in our talent show we have a sophomore, Regina George, who's talent is singing" the Principal said. Then what do ya know... RIPTIDE STARTS FUCKING PLAYING!

I blocked out her singing but just know she sang in cursive. I kid you not. All the kids groaned. I turned to max

"Hey wanna skip?" He nodded his head. I was starting to grab my backpack when I hear him say "Hey Mrs. Reid is it ok if we can skip?" THIS BITCH REALLY ASKED HER THAT

We were in the office now"Why would you ask if we could skip?" He then gave me the dumbest answer "For quality assurance!" I looked at him like he was stupid "are you... the geico gecko?" He rolled his eyes

"I just wanted to make sure it was okay that we left" I then stop him "ITS NOT! It is not"

Flashback end ///////

We laughed about it "I can't even believe your ass did that. How dumb were you back then?" He then thought for a second " I don't know. I just know it was impossible for me to believe I made it that far" we laughed

I was going to the restroom when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry....Oh my fuck" I said while rolling my eyes. I bumped into the stupid waiter from the restaurant "you... YOU GOT ME FIRED!" I rolled my eyes again

"Ok? You act like there's a problem" he huffed "do you know what getting fired is like? ITS LIKE GETTING A FUCKING REFERRAL" I backed up away from him

"Well can I refer you to my dentist? Your breath is giving me heat damage. Hot, no comb. Tooth, no brush" he was getting ready to raise his fist, whenever max came up behind me

"Is there a problem here? Because if there is...." He stepped in front of me "I would really love to hear it" he balled up his fist and put them in front of his face like a damn boxer. "Nah man. There's no problem" he said. He took one more glance at me before walking away

"You alright?" I nod my head and continue going to the restroom "I'll wait outside until you finish. Lord knows what that guy will do if you're alone" I gave him a hug and went inside. I walked out and just like he said... he was waiting for me.

When we walked back to the table. Madison had paid for the check already. "Let's go. Y/n you've gotta talk to roger" I was confused "right now?" Lex nodded her head. We headed to his office and I was nervous

"What will we be discussing?" She shrugged her shoulders.

When we arrived I walked into his office. He wasn't mad so that was a good sign. He smiled and gestured for me to sit down. "Can I get you anything??" I looked at him weird

"roger.... What are you on? Did Lex threaten you again? I swear that girl has no filter" he shook his head and pulled out a few photos. They were of me and Elizabeth. I rolled my eyes.

"Now usually I don't condone relationships like these considering.... The circumstances. BUT I am willing to make an exception" I looked at him weird "because she's a big movie star" he nodded his head

"Precisely! That means your ratings? SKY ROCKETING, ALREADY!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Uh.... Are you delusional?" Why am I against this? I should be happy that he's happy with me being happy.

"Why wouldn't I be? Aren't you happy?" Blank face. He was right. Aren't I happy? I'm with Elizabeth. She makes me laugh and keeps a smile on my face.

What more could I possibly want?

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now