Authors note

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Hey guys thanks for the support and please go and recommend other people to read my books and if you inbox me your books I will do the same for you. And please follow and I will follow you back and recommend. Please vote and comment and I will do the same for your books. Please guys the votes and comments means a lot to me, when I got on my news feed and see someone voted for my books, I am ecstatic. And you those who have already voted for me and commented for my stories. And I will also give a shoutout to people who vote, comment, and follow. And you for everything at you guys have done. I want to ask you guys to please excuse the mistakes because I don't really go back and check it because it's too much work. When you feel like you've wrote a ton, it's only like 2 pages. Again thank you and please vote follow and comment. Bye love you 😄😀😃😘❤️😍👄❤️❤️💋💋💕💕💖💖💞💞💘💘

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