Let It Go

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I'm not going lie and say that I don't miss Aaliyah living here with me but like they say I made my own bed and laid in it. You could say I cheated on her, well I did a few times when I was on tour but I never cheated with Ammika, we just co parenting. I been going through it since she left me but I just have to let it go, when a woman fed up she ready to end it all because she knows her worth even though she tried and tried again to make you change your ways. I will always have love for her, I do cherish the memories we had together but I gotta get myself together. I was chilling with a few of my niggas at the crib when Tyga threw a pillow at me getting my attention.

"What yo?"-Chris

"You see Liyah post?"-Tyga

"Nah can't look at it no more after she done blocked me"-Chris

"Well I know for sure ya ass ain't buy her none of this"-Tyga

"What you talking about?"-Chris

"Here you'll see"-He said handing me his phone

I looked at the phone and was in the daze when she posted a video of her walking around her condo filled with purple roses and candles, and the picture of her holding onto the puppy she always wanted. Damn who taking my place that fast as her man? She actually looks happy for once, shit after all these years. I threw the phone back to Tyga and got up to get something to drink because my mouth was dry as hell right now. Did she really forget about me that fast, is it true that she got a post floating around saying she single af? Who is this nigga making her happy? Fuck I thought I could get pass this shit, fuck love.

"You good bro?"-Trey

"Nah man, what's up with ya sister?"-Chris

"What you mean?"-Trey

"Who she with now? Would you keep something from me because she's your sister?"-Chris

"How the fuck am I supposed to keep up with my sister, she's not my girl she's my sister. Somebody you was supposed to protect when I'm not around, you did her dirty and then get mad when she happy and it ain't because of you. So save me the boil shit and let it go, whoever it is I hope he treating her better than you did. I been trying to hold my tongue for the longest but you ain't shit the least you could do was stop talking to her if you was going do her like she some other bitch you just fucking with. I'm glad she finally had the nerve to leave ya ass"-Trey said walking out and slamming the door

Well damn I guess I deserve that, I don't care I still want to know who making her happy. She blocked me so I can't see none of her shit, I would be desperate if I asked somebody to do it for me. God why can't I see her happy? What's wrong with me? As much as I said I rather see others shine instead of hating, everybody deserves to eat. But here I am hating because she's happy without me, somebody making her smile. Damn I miss her smile, her laugh, her touch. My head hurt like shit right now, I walked upstairs in my room to see two girls laying there half naked. I don't even remember what happened last night, until I got a video text sent to my DM of the party that was here. I see why he went off on me now, he can't trust me with his sister and I can't trust myself. I shook my head and tapped their legs to get them up, last thing I need is more publicity. 

"Ay ladies time to get up and go no disrespect"-I yelled

"Good morning papi"-They said in unison

Damn twins.

"Good morning ladies yall gotta go, I'm sorry I got things to do"-Chris

"Its okay papi, we enjoyed last night"-Layla

My Heart Belongs To YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ