Heartbreak Anniversary

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After seeing Mercedes that night I kept trying to figure out how do she know H.E.R.? She kept blowing my phone up nonstop and Ammika just been catching attitudes for no reason, I wasn't feeling her vibe so I told her give me some space and if I wanted to have Aeko here I'll let my mom know to pick him up. My mood has been up and down and I don't know why. I mean I do but why did I even stop by her candle shop when I could've just kept on driving? Why did I have to find out that she was pregnant with his baby? Why did today have to be our 7 year anniversary? Why did I fuck up so bad that she left me? Why can't I love someone as much as I love this money? I got too many women problems, why do Mercedes look like she could be Aaliyah's sister? Aaliyah, Aaliyah why did I ever have to meet you? I was smoking and replaying the voicemail message that we had for our house phone, something she insisted on getting for us even though we had our own phones.

"Come on its not that hard to do goofy"-Aaliyah

"But why do we need it?"-Chris

"See we talking on it now we gotta do it over"-She said laughing

I missed that cute laugh she did, I paused the message and took a long pull from my blunt then hit play again.

"Hey yall its Aaliyah"-Aaliyah 

"And Chris we're not here right now, if you're a bill collector we speak no english"-Chris

"You're goofy"-She said laughing

"We gotta finish it, come on"-I said laughing

"Okay okay, please leave a message after the beep"-She said smiling

"And we'll probably never get back to you because we making babies byyyyeee"-Chris

The message stopped and I replayed it again, why am I in my feelings? Why can't I let her go? I got on Instagram and tried my best not to go on her page but there was a picture she and Aug posted of them each holding a baby's hand and no caption that went viral. I zoomed in on her picture and saw she had that same engagement ring that was around her neck on her finger. Damn he proposed to her too? So all that shit she posted a while ago was from him including that ugly ass ankle biter? She really had birthed a baby damn. I remember the day we found out she was pregnant and she found out from somebody I cheated on her so she was stressed out then she had a miscarriage after that she couldn't conceive no more. I tried to stay out the house as much as I could when I should've just stayed to comfort her instead. I was hurt because my first child could've been with her, I never even took the time out to see how she felt. Now I'm sitting here watching her wishing that I treated her differently but she's in love.

 I put my phone down and went up to my room to see there was still some of her clothes left in my closet. I threw everything of hers over the balcony in a bin, knocked over every last picture of us that I should've took down and I threw them over the balcony, everything that reminded me of her I threw in the bin. I grabbed the bottle of liquor that I promise myself I wasn't going drink no more and pour it in the bin then threw my blunt in there too then it lit on fire. I was smiling and drunk some of the liquor. My neighbor was snitching like a lil bitch on her phone staring at me, I smirked and gave her a head nod then went back in the house. 

Maybe this what I needed to do to have everything of her out of my memory, out of my life. I went on every last account of mines and unfollowed her even unfollowed Aug too. I need to find a new house or move out of Los Angeles for a little while but how can I leave somewhere I've known half my life. I just need to lay low and rid my mind of Aaliyah Neverson. I'm tired of being or feeling pain over her. 

I started packing up two suitcases and just took a deep breath then rolled them downstairs. I stood in the middle of the floor and every single flashback was going through my head of Aaliyah and me. I saw her on the couch drawing in her notebook, her running behind me fussing me out about something she heard about me, her giggling while I'm chasing her around the house with a water gun, her throwing my clothes and shit over the banister yelling down at me, us kissing against the fridge and I picked her up putting her on the counter eating her pussy up. Her crying by the door after I walked out on her because she found some hoe panties in our bed, us in my studio trying to sing pass each other, her hitting my chest trying to get me to confess to cheating and I just hold onto her until she gives in while she cried in my arms. Us sitting on the balcony smoking blunts together and fucking on our swinging chair not caring who heard us. We been through a lot in this house and as much as I don't want to give up this house I need to let it go along with the memories of Aaliyah in here. 

I grabbed my suitcases and walked out, put my suitcases in my car then got in pulling off to my other house in Hollywood Hills. I drove pass a few spots I used to chill at with my bros, rode pass Mama's and yet again another memory of Aaliyah was coming in my head but I shook my head to clear it out. The breeze going through my sunroof felt good, I was at the light when these bad ass females was walking pass and winked at me.

"Aye ladies, yall tryna come through to my crib?"-Chris

"Of course papi"-They said in unison

"Hop in the whip then"-I said opening the doors

They all got in my car and was sitting on each other's laps because I had the rarri, I sped off and drove to my house in no time. I got out and they followed behind me then soon as we got in they were feeling on me. I was enjoying this until my phone started ringing, I pulled it out of my pocket to see my bro Sinko was calling.

"Excuse me ladies I gotta take this"-Chris

"Okay we'll be right here"-Tiana one of them said

"Yo what's up? I was just in the middle of hitting these bad ass females"-Chris

"Bruh where the fuck you at? We over ya house right now, we supposed to hit up Tee party"-Sinko

"I'm at my other house in Hollywood Hills"-Chris

"Damn why you ain't tell nobody? Who you running from?"-Sinko

"Truthfully its too many memories of Aaliyah in there so I decided to leave for a little while but let me get these females outta here before I leave, I be there in 10 minutes"-I admitted  

"Bet be safe bro, I understand how you feel man do what's best for you. Meet us there"-Sinko

"Aight I'm on the way"-I said and hung up

I walked back to where I left the females at and surprisingly they all was still there, I remember last time I had let some females in my house they robbed me and I never saw them again. I smiled at them and they all looked up at me.

"Everything okay?"-Tamoree said with an accent

"Yeah but unfortunately we gotta cut this short I have something to do in a few"-Chris

"That's okay we can do this some other time"-Tikia

 "I appreciate yall ladies understanding, I can get yall a ride back"-Chris

"No its fine we live a few houses from here anyway"-Tiana

"Damn for real so its some bad women around here, that I didn't even know of?"-Chris

"You just haven't been around so you don't know what baddies you'll see"-Tamoree said walking pass me

"Bet, I'll be around a lot more now"-Chris

"We would like that"-Tiana

"Have a good night ladies"-I said watching them walk down my driveway and through the gate

"See you papi"-Tiana

I made sure that the gate closed and locked then went upstairs to take a quick shower. I'm glad that I had no memories of Aaliyah in here because I wouldn't be able to take no more of knowing that she would still be on my mind. I got dressed in my white short sleeve button up, black slacks and my white and black pumas then ran downstairs to get in my car. I made sure everything was locked up by pressing the button on my alarm then got in my car driving off to Tee's party.

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