I'd Love To See Me From Your P.O.V.

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"I wanna love me, the way that you love me, for all of my pretty and my ugly too. I'd love to see me from your point of view. I wanna trust me, the way that you trust me, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do."-Ariana Grande(POV)


I love to see myself through Aug's eyes because the way he looks at me and the way he supports me just makes me feel so good that I have a man that'll appreciate me and loves me unconditionally. The way he encourages me to keep going with my businesses, the way he speaks wisdom into my life, the way he prays for me before he goes to sleep. The way he looks me in my eyes and tells me he loves me, the way he kisses me so passionately and runs his fingers through my hair. I wish I could see what he's thinking sometimes because he has a beautiful, creative mind. I couldn't be more happier than I ever been, on top of my man soon to be husband I have my beautiful babies Armari and Armani to love on. I still can't believe he pulled them out of my womb with no hesitation and how calm he was doing it too. He has been nothing but the most amazing man and father to our babies, he won't even let them sleep in their cribs no matter how many times I keep telling him that they need to lay alone in their crib or they will be spoiled for the rest of their lives. But who am I to stop him from loving those sweet babies of ours. 

I did apologize to Aug again and again when I thought that I was going to die birthing our babies and he was going to raise them by himself. Shit I don't know what I was thinking but I'm glad that God had other plans for us, even though it's only been 1 month since the babies were born it feels like 5 months to me. Their so advance for being 1 month old, I guess its our genes, like the other day Armari was rocking back and forth on their tummy time mat and Armani was trying her best to sit up. I was crying tears when I saw them because it was a beautiful moment, I know I'm a big baby but every moment we experience with our babies means a lot to me. Jaselina and Olivia called me earlier to let me know that they were on their way back to Atlanta to go to their uncle's funeral. I was trying to hide the twins from them but they caught a glimpse of them when Aug was playfully throwing them in the air while they were laughing. 

Today was their one month old appointment and I couldn't wait to see how many pounds they weigh because their so greedy, making my nipples hurt. So now we have to expose them to outside, I'll make sure that their covered up completely so nobody can see them then again I'm going see if Dr. Karim can come to us. I don't want nobody smothering my babies with their cameras, last thing I need is a lawsuit for whipping paps ass. 

"You ready sweets?"-August said carrying both car seats

"Damn you strong as fuck papi, but no I think we should get Dr. Karim here because I don't want our babies out there yet. Exposed to those vulture paps breaking their necks to get a picture of Armari and Armani or the media making up some story."-I said sighing

"I know sweets you right maybe it is too soon but do you know if Dr. Karim free to do a house visit?"-August

"I was just about to call him"-I said dialing the number 

"Good morning, Dr. Karim's office how may I help you?"-Ms. Paula

"Hello ma'am is Dr. Karim free, its urgent"-Aaliyah

"Just a sec, who am I speaking with?"-Ms. Paula

"Aaliyah Neverson ma'am"-Aaliyah

"Alright hold on Ms. Neverson"-Ms. Paula


"Hello, yes Aaliyah how can I help, is everything okay?"-Dr. Karim

"Yes, I'm sorry Dr. Karim for bothering you at the time of the twins appointment but I was wondering could you come to our house to see them because I'm still not yet ready to expose them to outside yet. Would that be okay with you if you're not busy?"-Aaliyah

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