I Can't Make You Love Me

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I woke up to the sound of Ro and Aeko jumping on my bed while the smell of breakfast was coming from downstairs, my head was pounding so hard. All I remember is making love to Ammika on the couch and in my room, we fell asleep in each other's arms like we were in a relationship. I can't believe I did that, one because I was emotional about Aaliyah leaving, being happy possibly with somebody else and two Ammika and I wasn't even on that level at all.

 I sighed and got up walking in to the bathroom to take a shower when my phone went off of notifications from Instagram of me being tagged in Aaliyah pictures. I forgot about me following her from my old page Fuckyopictures, she was having a good time at somebody's party, with some girls I never even met before.

 There was a picture of her, all the girls, and some guys wearing matching diamond watches. Another one she was showing some bottoms she had in her mouth mean mugging. The other picture was of her posing in front of a flower wall with this tight ass two piece on. But the last one she was smiling hard showing her jewelry that caught my attention. She was wearing a ring connected to a necklace around her neck, something like an engagement ring, I knew it wasn't mines that I gave her. 

So somebody really took her from me, what the fuck? I brushed my teeth, washed my face and went downstairs to see Ammika in the kitchen with my T-shirt on.

"You gotta go"-I said out loud

"What? We just made love three times last night and twice this morning. You tripping, I bet you saw that post of Aaliyah huh? When you going to realize that she moved on pretty quickly actually and that you ain't shit and will never be shit. So take it or leave you going always run back to me no matter what, I'm tired hearing you cry like a lil bitch when you fuck up. Just let it go, she wasn't meant for you, nobody can take your shit like I can"-Ammika

I just stood there feeling dumb because apart of that was true I ain't shit, my girl just left me not two days ago and I was laid up with my baby momma last night. I need a vacation away from L.A. I swear I do, I sat on the couch just staring at the TV when I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Chris, what's going on with you?"-Momma J

"I don't know this time, I hate to see Aaliyah happy and it ain't me. Who doing stuff for her? I can't even change my ways, I hope Ammika not pregnant again. I need a vacation badly"-Chris

"You haven't loved that girl since the day you proposed to her, you know I love you but you need to go back to your therapist. Maybe you're going through something and don't know how to get it out, so why not talk about it. I hope she not pregnant either because Aeko only just turned one not too long ago, you have too much going on already"-Momma J

"Yeah I guess you're right but I still want to know who making her happy"-I admitted

"Whoever it is honestly she deserves it"-Momma J

"Uh huh"-I said thinking too hard

"Whatever you're thinking don't do something stupid that you going to regret"-Momma J

"I know, its all good"-Chris

My mom left and I thought about hiring a private investigator to track Aaliyah's every move, I'm acting crazy, maybe she didn't move on that fast maybe she just chilling. I'm overexaggerating, doing too much I'm Breezy I can have any woman I want. I need a drink, maybe take a run. I put on my shoes and started running to the park, I was running so fast I ran into Gianna, Aaliyah's assistant/friend. I bet she knows what's going on with Aaliyah, I helped her up and the papers she was carrying.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going"-Chris

"Its fine thanks"-She said finally looking up

"Oh hey Chris"-She said dry

"What's up?"-Chris

"Nothing I have to get going I'm late for work"-Gianna

"Can I ask you something?"-I said scratching my head


"You know who Aaliyah been with?"-Chris

"No and if I did I wouldn't tell you after all you done put her through, excuse me though"-She said walking around me

"At least talk to her for me"-I said desperate

"I'll see what I can do"-She said sarcastic

I watched her walk away and get into her car then pull off, I hope she do talk to her for me. Get a hold of yourself, shit she's just another female. I'm going crazy, how can one female make me feel like this I guess all them years coming down on me.

 I booked a flight to Turks and Caicos and got picked up in a cab, its time that I take some time out for myself and get my mind back right. Turks and Caicos is the only place I know that will keep me sane and that's where my therapist is at too. I need this time for me, so that's what I'm going do. I turned off my phone, and took a nap on the jet. 

"You broke my heart time and time again, how am I supposed to forgive you?"-Aaliyah

"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you, I just don't know how to love. Truthfully I should've let you go a long time ago"-Chris

"Well its too late for that ain't it, here just take my heart since you already destroyed it"-She said handing me her beating heart in my hand

"No Aaliyah, look what you've done. Aaliyah come back to me"-I screamed

I woke up in a cold sweat, holding my chest, wow that dream felt so real. I did feel like I took her heart and destroyed, I let Trey down, I let her down most of all. I gotta get her back if its the last thing that I do, first I need to get myself back at peace. I gotta get back to the man she fell in love with five years ago, maybe she will want me back in her life. 

A Few Months Later...

Talking to my therapist I had got a lot off my mind, I never felt like this in my life, it felt amazing. I felt at peace, I finally understood what Aaliyah was going through and I'm going back to L.A. to show her that I'm sorry. I stopped fucking with Ammika but we still co parenting, I stopped drinking, changed my number and everything. Now was the time to be a man and stop choosing women over my girl, I'll prove to her that I've changed. I called her phone and she picked up on the first ring, my voice was caught in my throat.

"Hello? Hello? Who's this?"-Aaliyah

"Its Chris, don't hang up hear me out"-Chris


"I know I'm not who you want to hear from right now but I been gone for a few months to get my mind right, I can say I'm truly sorry how I made you feel, I came to realize that I was scared to lose you that's why I proposed to you. I didn't want no other man having you, I should've treated you better, I came to Turks and Caicos to get back to the man you knew five years ago. I just hope that you forgive me and was wondering if we could at least be friends again?"-Chris

"I don't know, I'm glad you changed and I been forgave you months ago. My soul won't let me hold on grudges, besides that I appreciate you taking the time out to tell me what was on ya mental. Thank you by the way for the flowers, the card, the candy, the other gifts but I have to send them back to you it'll remind me of you too much"-Aaliyah

"I guess I deserve that but at least think about it, you know where I'm at"-Chris

"Of course see you around Chris"-She said hanging up

Maybe me leaving all these months was a mistake, but at least she forgave me that's all that matters right?  

My Heart Belongs To YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora