Sweet Love

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As Mrs. Anita Baker was singing I felt like our hearts were intertwined, like we were the only one's on this beach, like this moment was too good to be true. That I'm actually married to the love of my life and that man is August Alsina, how could it be possible that we are here tonight as husband and wife? Its possible because of God, he knew that we were meant for each other, he knew that I had to find myself in order to bring the man that loved me back into my life. He knew when the time was right. When my dad walked me down the beach and I caught eyes with Aug I was full blown crying because this man is everything to me. I couldn't believe how beautiful this dress was that Geneva designed, it was light blue with flowers all over, hugging my curves, a split on my left side, an illusion neck line, detachable skirt, backless and two spaghetti straps holding up my big milk jugs. 

As my feet were sinking in the sand and when I got closer to him it had me thinking of the first time that I met him. I was coming from cheerleading practice something my mom kind of forced me in, these guys were trying to talk to me but I kept ignoring them until one of them grabbed my arm, called me a high saditty bitch and I should be lucky somebody was talking to my mixed breed ass then was trying to grab my butt. Aug came out of nowhere and jumped in front of us, he pried the guy's hand from around my arm and pushed me back gently. At first the guy was about to say something until Aug lifted his shirt up to silence him, I knew that he had a gun but I wasn't scared of him. I just was shook that somebody would put their self in harm's way to protect me, that somebody actually cared. I thanked him and he said it was no problem that if I ever needed protection he would be by my side in a second because pretty girls shouldn't be out in the streets by themselves. Since that day he was by my side making sure that nothing happened to me and protected me at all costs, I used to ride around is his car and people used to talk but I didn't care because there was someone who actually care about me and didn't see me other than a mixed bi-lingual girl who's father left her for some other family or how my mom worked three jobs and I was always home alone. How my mom married right after my father left. He saw me differently and his mom took me under her wings as a daughter.

 I never thought that we would be here. When I was in the room with Geneva, Maxine, my mom, momma Sheila, the girls I had a panic attack and was ready to break down so bad until I called Aug, hearing his voice just brought me so much tranquility into my mind because I was overthinking everything. The moment Pastor Thompson said you may kiss the bride I just wanted to jump on him and tongue him down but this dress was tight, too beautiful to get dirty and our family along with our friends were watching so I had to be classy haha. When Aug was crying before he said his vows my heart was beating a mile a minute, I couldn't believe that this man was shedding tears in front of everyone because he always held his emotions inside. 

As Mrs. Anita Baker ended her song we still were holding onto each other, I couldn't let him go and he was still holding onto me. We were staring into each other eyes and I started blushing so hard my cheeks were red, he whispered in my ear and made me start laughing. 

"You're so beautiful, pinch me am I dreaming? "-Aug

"Thank you, mi amor, you look so handsome in this suit"-I said pinching him

"Oww goofy"-He said rubbing his arm

"You said pinch you"-Aaliyah

"I didn't really mean it"-Aug

"I'm sorry, I thought you were serious"-Aaliyah

"Its all good I'm kidding sweets, you can't hurt me unless you riding that---

"What did I just walk into? Didn't yall do enough in your room?"-Trey said laughing

"God is she walking around telling everybody?"-I said face palming myself and blushing

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