Been About You & I'm Still About You

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I feel like I have been waiting so long to finally admit to myself that Aaliyah is the one for me, she's always been the one for me and I let her get hurt over and over again by somebody that I call my brother. Plenty times I could've stepped in and took her away from him but ya know me I don't get into nobody's business, I know we been broken up for years and over those years we've grown as people. I have a whole different mindset on life, I always made sure that we were connected spiritually and mentally so that she understood why we had to part. I wasn't about cheating on her if I wasn't satisfied or if she made me mad, we were young back then so we taught each other how to love, what we both liked or disliked. Only time I got mad at her was if she wore something too short or if she would hold something in and not tell me. Our relationship was love, trust, and understanding. If I was out in the streets she knew I would come back to her, nobody could ever talk bad about us, because it was nothing to say. You saw her you saw me not too far behind and that's how its going to be once I get back to L.A. I still need to talk to her about it to make sure she's on the same level as me. Being in N.O. had me reminiscing about a lot so I stayed a few days to really think about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it to her. I saw the post she put of her condo with the flowers I brought her and I love how she named her puppy after me, I was going comment but it was too soon and would make people put two and two together. I went back to Atlanta to get some things and flew back to L.A. this morning today is the day I confess my feelings to Aaliyah but I gotta do this right and I'm not going lie I'm nervous. I know I made Kim plan everything a while ago but I'm going do this by myself and put all my love in it. I called Lilly and the girls along with a few of my niggas, we was on a group video.

"What's up Yungin'?"-Jason

"Yeah what's up?"-All the girls said in unison

"Aight, aight yall chill, so today is the day"-Was all I said

"Thee day?"-Jessie

"Oh my god!"-Keisha


"Yup, I need all yall to help me out"-August

"Ahhhh!"-The girls said in unison

"What you need?"-Kenny

"Aight so I wanted to have a lil kick back but it has to be between only us, Keisha I need you to decorate get all the cute shit and everything. Kenny get all the food do ya chef shit, Lilly, Jessie, Kiana bring Aaliyah here but don't let her know nothing, Jaselina book a DJ. The rest of yall just bring yaself, bottles, whatever. Don't tell nobody I mean nobody I don't want no big hype off this, its just a gathering for us. But once she become my baby, everybody going know that's me ya know? Aight see yall in a few hours"-August

"I can't wait!"-Lilly

"Haha yeah"-I said laughing

Everybody hung up and I got dressed to get some breakfast from downstairs that Kenny cooked. I brought a crib here so that I could be closer to Aaliyah also I didn't want to keep spending money on hotels, besides that I'm tired running for my life from fans. I need to get some more furniture in here, might as well get Kim on that I mean if I'm trying to have this kickback. I texted her all the information to get here and she came walking in soon as I put my phone down.

"Nice, love it, I have Daniel here with me who will get everything done"-Kim

"Dang you be on point, I just texted you"-August

"I do my job ya know me"-Kim

"That you do, appreciate ya"-August

"So what's up with you?"-Kim

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