Best moment of my life! (Colette x Edgar)

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~Told from Edgar's POV

It seemed strange, even for me. To ask out the girl of my dreams, on a date. There were so many things that could go wrong. She could say no. I could embarrass myself. She might already have a boyfriend... but the worst one of them all? Would be if I didn't have to courage to ask her out. Than I would never know how she felt about me. 

Why her, of all people? Well, you like who you like. Quite honesty, I wasn't even sure why I liked her. We were so different. She was always in a good mood, always smiling. She was super energetic and fun. She could be completely crazy too. Like she would just be ridiculous and silly. She has a super big heart, and is kind, caring and loving. She is also very creative, as she likes scrapbooking. She is the most special girl I have ever met. And my crush on her is blossoming the very second I describe her. She also smells like strawberries, which is an added bonus. 

I was the total opposite. Quiet, calmer, moody and sarcastic. It made no sense how we could end up together. 

But she made me happy. She brought out my best. When I was with her, I felt loved and that I could be myself. I could open up, have a bit more personality than my usual emo self. With her, I could be truly free. And I didn't feel like that around anyone else. She made you feel like you were cared about, important. She made you happy when you were depressed. She was always happy to see you, and was very bubbly and excitable. That was why I liked her. Because even though we were so different, it didn't matter. We were still close.

And time was running out. If I didn't ask her now, I would never have the courage again. I needed to make my move. And now was the perfect time. She was walking, very close to where I was pondering all my life decisions. So I called out to her.

"Hey, Colette."

"Edgar! What's up? How are you doing?" She says, coming closer to where I am standing. 

I resist the urge to blush. How do people manage when their crushes talk to them?

"Uhm, I'm good. You?" I have to resist from hitting myself. What kinda noise was that? I sound so awkward. ARGH I WISH I WAS COOL!

"You are cool, Edgar. Don't doubt yourself. Also, I'm doing well." She adds, smiling. 

Wait.. what? I said that out loud, didn't I? God, I'm an idiot.

"Ha, thanks." I say.

"So... what's been going on wi--" I cut her off.

"Colette, If I don't ask this now I'm never gonna have the courage to ask it again. You are the sweetest, funniest, loving, silliest, craziest, most fun, cheerful, most amazing girl I have ever met. And... I really like you. No, scratch that. I love you. You bring me happiness even on the roughest of days and I know I can always count on you for a smile, or to make me laugh. So, um will you go out will me?"

I know I am blushing the whole time, but I don't care. I got it out there. I said my feelings. Now it's time to wait for the response...

"Edgar... you know how long I have been waiting to go out with you? Like, 3 years. I have had a crush on you for what seems like FOREVER now. You are super funny and sarcastic. And you have good taste in music. You have a bigger heart than you want the world to know, but I know it. And I like you for that. Wait no, scratch that." She says, grinning from ear to ear. Even in a romantic time, she still knows how to make me smile. 

"I love you, Edgar. And I would love to go on a date with you." She finishes, leaning in closer to me. 

She rest's her head on my chest, and I stroke her strawberry scented hair. She gives a sigh of content. I can't believe it. I must be the luckiest guy on Earth to date a girl as wonderful as Colette. 

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