To sleep, perchance to dream (Leon x Sandy)

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~This will be told from Sandy's POV

How could the most popular boy in school go for the quiet kid like me? There was no chance he would ever like me, no chance we could date.

But every time I saw him, my heart sped up and I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to converse for hours, chat and learn about his life experiences.

Or learn more about him, just in general.

Because the thing was?

He was my best friend.


"Sandy! Hey Sandy!" My heart caught in my throat. Leon. I could hear him from a mile away. Nothing creepy... just the downside of having the school's LOUDEST person as your crush.

I feel a blush start to creep up my cheeks. I turn around to face Leon.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much, I just have a question for you! It's about the dance." He said, grinning from ear to ear. My heart speeds up. Is he going to ask me?

"Yeah, sure what is it?" I ask, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. This could be it. The day I get my first boyfriend. The day he gets his first boyfriend. Then we go to the dance together and...

And I'm getting off track here. None of this has happened yet. I just need to wait...

"Okay... so I'm thinking of asking someone to the dance!" He says. My heart stops.

"Oh nice. Who?" I ask.

"Well... I need to see if they like me first." He says, playing with his fingers.

"Ask them. See what they say."

"But we have a really good friendship! I don't wanna mess that up." He says.




I think he might be talking about me. I mean, he is my best friend. We have a close bond. He wouldn't tell me who, and he didn't name a gender. This might be the moment I've been waiting for.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Leon." I reassure him.

"Maybe? I don't know. Anyway, I gotta head to class. See ya!" He says, grinning and then running in the opposite direction.

I smile to myself. Finally.


Math was... math. Then after I had science. Now? I'm done for the day. I'll find Leon, and then perhaps I will have a date! And a boyfriend!

I smile to myself as I round the hall, trying to find Leon's class. I know he just had Spanish, with Señor Primo. I had class with him earlier in the day, and we learned about verbs in the imperfect tense. It was.. I don't really have words for it. Kinda boring.

I'm right near the classroom when I see him. Leon! I'm about to call out to him, but then I see he is talking to someone.


Who likes him.

Because she told me.


I move a little closer to I can hear what they are talking about.

And then I hear it.

"Leon, I would love it if you would go to the dance with me! Wouldn't that be great?" I hear. I'm dreading to hear Leon's response.

"Ermm.. Jessie... I don't... like you in that way." He says.

"Oh.. then who do you like?"

"He's standing right behind you."

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