To sleep, perchance to dream (Leon and Sandy, part 4)

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The car ride was quick. We only live 7 minutes away from the school, so it didn't take long. Leon and I talked about old memories, then my mom let us out of the car and told us to have a good time and take pictures.

So we went up to the front of the school, and took a couple selfies.

And then the moment of doom.

The actual dance.

"Are you ready, Sandy?" Leon asks me as we are about to enter the school. I don't say anything, I just grab his hand. I squeeze his hand as a response.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes then! Come on, let's go!" He says, grabbing my hand tighter and pulling me inside.

Loud pop music blares from the DJ booth, some weird annoying song that keeps saying, "Watermelon Sugar High." I don't know why the school would play this, but they did and the other kids here seem to like it.

Near the music station, we have a couple tables set up with food. I spot Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, and regular Lay's Potato Chips.

The smaller table next to that has heart themed cupcakes, cookies, cake pops and a bowl of those disgusting candy hearts that say things like, "Kiss Me, You Rock, Text Me, You & Me." And other cheesy things like that. I had forgotten the theme of the dance was Valentine's Day. Well, I remember now.

Leon grabs my arms and pulls me out of my weird remembering daydreaming state, and leads me over to the middle of the dance floor. There are hearts strewn all over, some with nice written words on them. Pink, white and red streamers are put up hanging on the walls. There is a sign saying "Happy Valentines Day!"

Wow. Hearts all over, and steamers. The school really went all out this year. Usually they hang some random misspelled sign up and some food. The "DJ" is some kid's phone hooked up to a speaker. This year is so different. It's kinda cool, actually.

I'm interrupted yet again as Leon pulls me toward.

"Hey, wanna dance?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"Okay, let's wait for this song to pass. Then we will dance."

The annoying watermelon sugar song finishes and a slow one starts. Leon wraps his arms around my waist, and I put mine on his upper half. We sorta sway gently, hands on each other, neither of us letting go.

So far, so good. I haven't messed anything up. This night is going better then I thought!

"Everyone is watching us." Leon whispers in my ear. I look around. He's right.

"Well, maybe they are jealous that we actually have courage to dance."


"Sandy, don't worry. They aren't judging us. This happens at every school dance. Some couple dances, everyone stares. It's okay." Leon reassures. I feel better. I lean into him a bit, resting my head on his chest. He always knows how to make me feel better, even in the worst times. That's one of the reasons I like him.

"Well, I don't care what they think. I'm just happy I'm here with you. People can stare, they can laugh but in the end being here with you is the only thing that matters." I say, leaning closer.

"Aww you are too cute Sandy. So honest, so pure. So cute. And reassuring." He says, booping my nose. I blush even harder.

We both lean closer.

Until we are close enough too kiss.

So naturally, we do.

His lips on mine, my lips on his.

We both press harder.

And blush harder.

Leaning in.

Treasuring the moment.

I never want this night to end.

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