I'm only a bit broken (Stu x Carl)

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Request from @Multisilhouette!

Artwork by @Willow_Kangaroo on Twitter.

This will be told in Stu's POV and I will be humanizing the robot Brawlers :)

I have people constantly asking me why a famous stuntman like me, who has been on National Television, appeared in magazines and had many interviews with reporters is dating a person in a wheelchair. 

Well you know what people? Its because he's kind. Sweet. Makes me laugh when I'm having a bad day. Teaches me some of the most valuable lessons life has to offer. 

And its also because he's the one that saved my life. 


"Stu!" The loud and jarring sound wakes me from my slumber. I groan and roll over, hoping to catch at least another five minutes of sleep.

Instead, I hear this:


I sigh as I sit up. Its not that I don't love my boyfriend. But I had a magazine shooting all day, got dinner at 7, had interviews till 11, was escorted back to my house which only took an hour, showered, then had to answer fan mail and write back to my family to let them know I was doing okay. This took until 2AM, until I decided I'd had enough and went to sleep.

Now it was 5AM. 

And I knew I would have to do the same thing today all over again. 

But my boyfriend was the most important thing to me, and I would do anything to help him. He also couldn't walk, so sometimes he needed me to bring him things. 

I finally got out of bed and ran into the living room. He was lying on the couch. 

"Ah! Stu! There you are! Could you bring me my wheelchair?" He asks, his voice soft and sweet. Suddenly, I'm not tired anymore. I only wish to spend time with Carl. 

"Yeah, sure!" I say, walking back towards our small kitchen. I wheel over the wheelchair and help him get situated. 

"Thank you!" He says, reaching out his arms for a hug. I pull him in close to me, feeling his warm body against mine. I listen to his heart, soft but calming. 

And that's when I start crying. 


"AH! Stu, are you okay?" Carl asks, clearly taken aback by my sudden change of mood. 

"Ye-yeah." I sniffle. 

"Really? It doesn't seem like that. I just want you to be okay." He says, his voice filling with an honest sincerity. 

"Its not that.. its just.. I never got a chance to thank you. For all that you did for me after I got hurt. I mean, you risked your life for me." 

And from the dark corners of my mind, the memories emerge. 

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