Halloween! (COLGAR!)

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~How was everyone's Halloween? Tell me in the comments!

~Will be told in Edgar's POV (I need to start writing in Colette's POV...)

~Also, I'm tagging people that write AMAZING Colgar, so if you want more go follow them!  ThatDudeYuum1 , mochiquills , sketchpile , FoodAU

"MOODY MUFFIN, ARE YOU ALMOST READY?!" Colette screamed, the excitement in her voice barely contained. I had to admit, her excitement was pretty adorable. It even got me excited. 

"Almost!" I called back, adjusting my red shirt.

"WE HAFTA LEAVE SOON IF WE WANNA GET CANDY!" She yelled, sounding like a giddy little kid. 

"Alright, I'm done," I said, making sure my green wig was on correctly and leaving the bathroom.

"AHH! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!" She said, giving me a hug. I blushed and ruffled her hair. 

"You do too. You like exactly like her." I said, noticing my girlfriend's outfit, the fishnet stockings, half red, half blue shorts, long converse that looked like boots, a large belt, the "Daddy's lil monster" shirt along with her pale hair that had highlights of blue on one side and red on the other. She looked like Harley Quinn.

I sure hoped I looked like the Joker, with my paled-out skin, green hair, open red shirt, dark pants, and dark shoes. 

We looked like a power couple, or at least a crazy couple.

Either one would have described us. 

"COME ON, MY LITTLE ADORABLE JOKER! LET'S TAKE PICTURES BEFORE WE HEAD OUT!" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer.

"Okay, okay," I said taking out my MCR phone case. We posed for a couple of photos, us looking at each other, one with us smiling, a straight-faced one, one with her in my arms, and one with us attempting a kiss but then remembering we both had extravagant lipstick on. 

"Alright, are we ready to go to hell?" I asked, sarcastically.

"You might be going to hell, but I'm going to heaven!" 

"Mhm, sure."


"So Spike, your immortal god will die?" I joked.

"Probably. Spike isn't my god though, you silly emo. You are!"

I blushed.

She was too sweet.

"ALRIGHTY, MY JOKER! LET'S GO!" She pulled me behind her, and we started walking to the apartment next door. In front of us, there was a little girl, all dressed in Spike gear.

She looked familiar...

Eh, seemed like from a different chapter from a different book. 

"I like your costume, sweetie!" The woman handing out candy said to the little girl.

"Thank ya! I love Spike so much! He is sooooo cute! I even have on my Spike Airs™®!" She said, showing the lady.

"Awww, wonderful! Here, have some candy! And a Spike keychain! My daughter used to be obsessed with that little cactus, so I thought you should have it!" She said.

"AHHHH! THANK YOU!!" She screamed, running into the lady's arms. 

"No problem sweetie!" 

The little girl turned to leave but then noticed that we were behind her.

"Oh sorry! I like your costumes!" She smiled.

"Thank you! I LOVE yours too! Spike is the best!" Colette said, kneeling down to look at the little girl.



"EEEEEEE! I'M SO GLAD YOU AGREE!" The little girl ran into Colette's arms, giving her a big hug.

Colette hugged her back.

"Alright, well I have some other houses to go to! See you later!" She girl said, breaking away from Colette, and then noticed me.

"Wowie Mister! I love the costume!" She said, running over to hug me too.

I hugged her back. 

She was like...


"BYE!" She said running to the other doors in the apartment complex.

"That was adorable!" Colette said.

"Yeah, she was pretty cute." I agreed. We started walking towards the woman. 

"That was the sweetest thing! Do you two want some candy?" She asked.

"YES!" Colette said, opening her candy bag. I opened mine too. 

"Happy Halloween!" The woman said, smiling at us after dropping a good 15 pieces in our bags each. 

"Thank you!" Colette said, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the next apartment door. 

She knocked. A man opened the door.

"Tick or Trophy!" She said, using her weird made-up Trick or Treat variant. The man simply laughed before dropping some candy into her bag and mine.

"Thank you!" She said, skipping away. 

I shook my head at my silly girlfriend.

🎃🦇👻ȶɨʍɛ ֆӄɨք👻🦇🎃

Tick or Trophy- I mean Trick or Treating went well. Except for the occasional, "Aren't you two too old for this?" It was pretty good. Now, after Colette and I had changed out of our makeup we were curled up on the couch watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas." I had seen it a million times, but watching it with her curled up on top of me was a new experience.

We were in blankets, with Halloween snacks and our candy near us.

"Come with us and you will see, it's our town of Halloween!" The characters sang.

I smiled and stroked Colette's hair.

Tonight was...

Pretty fricken cool. 


💀ȶɦɛ ɛռɖ💀



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