To sleep, perchance to dream (Leon x Sandy, part 2)

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I think I need to be hospitalized, because my heart stops for the second time that day. I'm the only one standing behind Leon.


He likes me back.

I can't believe it. The guy of my dreams likes me back. This is seriously the best feeling in the world.

Words can't describe how happy this makes me. All of the waiting, the daydreaming and hoping for him to like me back. And now my dreams are coming true.

I guess the saying is true... to sleep, perchance to dream. (Well, actually it is talking about death.) But I have always interpreted it as when you are sleeping, there is a chance you may dream. A chance, small as it is that something special will happen. Something different. And this is different. A small chance he would like me.

Yet he does.

And I'm probably going to mess this up by looking like a total idiot.

Because I am blushing, more then I ever have before.

And grinning from ear too ear, like a psychopath.

Then I see his lips move.

And I freeze.

"Hey, Sandy. I know you heard this. It was meant for you. Can you come over here for a second?" Leon says.

"Yeah... yeah s- sure.." I stutter.

Jessie looks up at Leon.

"Well, I guess this is your moment. Good luck." Jessie says.

She leaves, and goes... I don't know where. Somewhere FARRR away from here.

I walk closer.

"Hey.. look. I like you. A lot. And I have for a while now. You have been one of the highlights of my life, and I miss you when you aren't there. You make me smile when I am sad, laugh when I am glad, and bring me happiness when I am mad. I can't imagine life without you. And... I think you feel the same way about me. So... will you go to the dance with me?" He asks.

"Leon, do you know how long I have been waiting to hear those words? You are the funniest, wildest guy I've ever met. You always know what to say to make me laugh. You break me out of my shell of quietness, and help me open up around people. Without you, I don't know what I would do. You are so sweet, kind and caring. So, duh of course I'll go to the dance with you!" I reply.

"Great! I... I... really like you." He stutters.

"And I love you." I answer.

He blushes even more.

"Aww you are so cute when you blush! Come here." I say, pulling him into me, closer. He wraps his arms around the upper half of my body and rests his head on top of mine. I hug back.

Man, this feels good. Butterflies swarm my stomach. But this time, they aren't the nervous kind.

They are the happy kind.

The kind you never want to leave.

And the reason they are there?

Is because of the greatest person wrapped around me, most likely my future boyfriend.

And I couldn't have asked for a better one, and I wouldn't.

Because the boy of my dreams?

Has become the most important part of my life.

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