Somebody call for Surge? (8-Bit x Surge)

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Request from @Spike_Moll_Banana!

This will be told from 8-Bit's POV

When people start off a sentence with, "this was the thing that ruined my life," you usually expect to hear things like a breakup, losing a job, being bullied, etc. Yet my story starts off differently. Because this just happened, like ten minutes ago. And I never would have thought my life would have been ruined because of some stupid, worthless pieces of paper. 

Yep... I'm talking about report cards. My life, and my boyfriend's life, have been ruined because of these stupid things. PAPER! PAPER, THAT COMES FROM A TREE, A TREE THAT GIVES US OXYGEN RUINED OUR LIVES! 

But in some certain respects, it's not the paper's fault. It's ours. 


When we both applied to the Superhero Training Institution, none of us thought things would have gone over the way they did. Upon applying, we were under the impression we would both get in and live out the rest of our lives stopping the bad guys and helping the city (corny, but it has been our dream since we were like, five. Imagine our surprise when we found out there was an actual school for that.) 

And well... I got in. I just found that out ten minutes ago. All straight A's. But my boyfriend, Surge? C's and D's. Meaning he will have to redo the year. And since we are both 15, this was the last year we could apply to get into this school. It was also our first.. 

Anyway, while I was accepted Surge's said that he had failed his classes and therefore wouldn't  be accepted. I think it hurt me more than him. 

He could stay at our school, with the people he knew. And I was going into a new school, all alone. As much as I tried to keep my feelings to myself, I was going to miss him. A ton. I had hardly been without him for more than a week, now a year? Or more? 

I couldn't bear to picture it.

But it was a reality I had to face, as sad as it made me. 


(Time skip, three weeks later)

I didn't want to accept the fact I would have to live without my boyfriend, but the bus that would take me to the school was leaving in an hour. And I had to pack. So I shoved my feelings away. And tried to focus on packing. I was about two shirts in when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I shout. The door creaks open. Surge is standing there.

"Hey, babe. Wazzup?" Surge says. Suddenly, those feelings I shoved down earlier come back up. I try and ignore the ever-growing lump in my throat. 

"Hey, nothing really. I'm sad about leaving. I don't want to be apart from you." I say, the sadness in my voice evident. 

Surge walks towards me and wraps me in a hug. He strokes my hair. 

"Shh, babe it will all be okay. I'll send you letters every week, and we will text and call everyday. Don't worry, I promise you it will all work out." He reassures. 

And then the reality of the situation truly hits. I'm going to be leaving my boyfriend. I'm not going to see him, and things won't be the same. So the tears come. They fall down my face, slow at first but increasing rapidly. 

"Aww, don't cry! Calm down, it's all okay. Shh..." He strokes my hair again and pats my back like you would with a young baby. I don't mind. It calms me. 

"I..I just can't imagine life apart from you. It's gonna be so hard. I.. I love you to much."

"I love you to. But don't spend all this time thinking about me. Try and enjoy it there." He replies.

"I will. Thank you." I say. Even though I am still crying, I feel a bit better. 

"Of course. Now, do you need help packing?" 


The time has finally come. Its time. I'm about to leave. Bags in my hand, Surge by my side. 

The bus pulls up. Surge gives me one last hug. 

And then I board the bus.


"8-Bit?" I hear my name being called as I enter the school. I don't even acknowledge the beauty of it. I'm to busy listening to my music and being sad to care. 

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You will be sharing a room with Carl Xenolith. Your room is 404, on the top floor. Here is the key." The woman walks over to me, grinning.

Great. 404, an error code. Just like my life. I take the key from her and walk toward the elevators.

"Oh, and 8-Bit? Remember to have fun!" She says smiling. Yeah, right. Easy for her to say. I give a sad attempt of a smile and continue walking to my destination.


I'm walking near the door. It took me quite some time to find it. But here I am now. I take the key and am about to open the door when I hear something behind me.

Or someone.

"Hey, 8-Bit! Fancy seeing you here!"

NO. It can't be. I.. I won't believe it. There's no way. But as I turn around...

"Somebody call for Surge? Because I heard you might be needing me. So here I am. In the flesh, baby!" 

I'm so shocked right now. A tidal wave of emotions crash down on me. 

But in all of those emotions, the most predominate one is love. 

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