Best moment of my life! (Colette x Edgar, part 3)

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What on earth does she mean? Nothing will happen that she doesn't want to? She's already a bit hyper and unpredictable at times.. meaning she could have anything planned for me. Quite honestly, I'm a bit scared.

However, that thought crosses to the back of my mind. Because I realize... that Colette took my hand! I am walking hand in hand with the girl of my dreams. I am so happy in that moment I forget everything else. All bad just disappears when I'm with Colette. I'm thankful she's in front so she can't see me blush. Man, that would be embarrassing.

And it's like she has read my mind, because in that moment she turns around to look at me.

"Hey Edgar, we are almost there! I can't wait!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, I.. I... I'm excited to." I stutter, reddening after each word.

"Awww Moody Muffin, are you blushing?" She asks.

"Wha.. what did you call me?"

"Moody Muffin. You are edgy, and muffin is a nickname for people that are dating, like honey." She giggles.

"We are dating?" I ask, shock and happiness making me forget momentarily about the blush.

"Yes! And you are avoiding the question....... why are you blushing?" She asks intently.

"Uh.. well.. we are holding hands. I've never held hands with anyone before. And... it's nice. I like holding hands with you. You make me feel safe, protected. And loved. It's just a new experience for me. And I'm super awkward, so I turn nice things int-"

I don't get a chance to finish my sentence because Colette cuts me off be leaning into me, and kissing my cheek. Her lips are soft against my skin, and the light touch off her lips against my cheek tickles a bit, sending tingles down my spine. But the good tingles, like after you have watched ASMR and feel relaxed.

"Wow. That was.. wow." I exclaim, star struck. I don't even care about the blushing now. I am to in shock to care.

"Aww the blush is back! You look so cute when you blush, like a little grumpy kitten. EEEE I could just hug you forever and ever and never let go!" She says, latching herself onto me, putting her arms around my neck. I think I'm turning purple, with the intensity of my blush and all. I had no clue that another person could make me blush so much. Quite honestly, I kinda like the blushing. It means that I really, truly care about her. And I have never felt that way about someone before.

"Don't call me out..." I say, jokingly.

"I'm not! I'm just glad to see you so happy. You seem... freer. More at peace. Less emo." She says, looking at me through caring eyes.

"I feel like I can be more like myself when I'm with you. Like I don't have to have a mask over my emotions. I can just be." I admit.

"And I feel like you get me, like you care. I love you, Edgar." She leans into me, more than she already is, and rests her head on my chest. My heart beats faster than it ever has. After a moment, she unlatches from me, and resumes holding my hand.

"That was nice..." I whisper.

"Ha! You thought that was nice? Just wait until you see what else I have planned..."


I've never been on the Tunnel of Love. I've also never had a girlfriend. Both experiences are new for me. I've seen girls, but I have never seen a Tunnel of Love.

It is by far the weirdest contraption I have ever seen. Big, pink and long it stretches in a "U" shape. Inside of the U, there is water, like a large pool. A big giant sign hangs above the ride, reading "Starr Park's Tunnel of Love" and underneath that in smaller print: "For a limited time only!" It's all pink and frilly, with hearts, flowers and lips all over it. It's the girliest thing I have ever laid my eyes upon. And I have to ride it.

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