To sleep, perchance to dream (Leon x Sandy, part 5)

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This will be shorter than most parts, revolving around Penny and Jessie but will be at the dance. Requested by @somnsun! Thank you for the idea :)

~Told from Penny's POV

Her hand around mine, my hand around hers. We walk into the gym in unison. Her, in a frilly yellow dress, hair pulled back in a braided bun, light yellow heals, makeup looking fleek and flowers in her hair. Man, she look's stunning.

Meanwhile, I wear a black and white tux with a pirate skull tie. My usual bright pink hair is pulled into a ponytail. I wear a skull barrette in my hair, the closest part of my outfit that will ever be girly. My shoes are scuffed black and white converse that are semi-new but still dirty.

I look like a person who doesn't care about looks, Jessie looks like the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on. Somehow, we fit together though.

And I'm not mad about it.

"Hey, Penny come over to the dance floor! We can dance when the song changes!" Jessie says, leading me forward.

"M'kay, let's go." I say, allowing my girlfriend to drag me along the floor. Yeah, I don't let anyone else go near me except for her.

This song that makes me want to rip out my eyeballs? Seems to be never ending. If I have to listen to some random guy sing, "Watermelon Sugar High" again I'm going to punch someone.

And then finally, my nightmares end. The song ends, and a slower one starts.

"Come on!" She says, dragging me through the haze of people.

"Wow, you really want to dance." I reply.

"No silly, I wanna be near you!" She flirts. I blush.

"Okay, fine, fine."

We walk onto the dance floor, her leading, me trying to run. And then we see them.

Leon and Sandy.

I'm fine with both of them, we are friends. But before Jessie knew she liked girls, she asked Leon to the dance. He said no.

Despite the fact she has a preference for girls, she still liked him and it hurt when he didn't want to go to the dance with her.

She said it didn't sting anymore and she was okay.

But I could tell she wasn't.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." I say to her, brushing my fingers ever so slightly against her face to show a sign of affection.

"I know. I'm not upset, Penny. I'm happy to be here. With you." She says.

"And besides, who needs boys when you have an amazing girlfriend?" I reply.

She blushes.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on silly. Let's dance." She leads me too the center and puts her arms around me. I do the same.

We sway lightly to the music, holding each other.

And forget about our boy problems (despite the fact I don't like boys.)

And focus on each other, our everlasting love.

The end.

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