Chapter Seventeen

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Love is the greatest gift of all times. And it takes a passionate heart to enjoy the fruits of love!

It was a beautiful day of Monday, well, not so beautiful for those in jobs. However, Nandini, in her best attire and confidence, was getting ready to leave for her office. Despite what she had to go through in the last few weeks, she hadn't given up on working at VirginStream. This time instead of hiding herself in the cocoon, she had decided to face the harsh world, to test her inner capabilities, to ignore her inner negative thoughts. It was time for her to show her boldness to the real world that also inhabited the one whom she hated the most.

She reached her office on time and after a few nods here and there she came to her cabin. She had missed her usual spot and running her fingers over the neat and tidy table, she smiled at a recent memory. It was an unusual rainy day when Shrey had decided to go for a walk around the hilly terrain. Nandini had insisted on to accompany him in order to enjoy the rains after many years. In that silent walk except the pitter patter of the rain, Shrey had clicked a few pictures of Nandini enjoying the downpour with a heart of a child. He had never seen her that happy ever. He also had clicked a selfie of the two where Nandini had a beautiful smile on her face as Shrey had side hugged her. Few more selfies had followed thereafter.

Nandini smiled at that memory as those scenes replayed in her mind at the moment. She laughed out a little remembering the petty fight they had while choosing the frame for their very first selfie in the rain. She had chosen the red roses frame while he wanted orchids. Giving up on his choice, Shrey finally submitted to her demand after a small bickering.

Rolling her eyes off, Nandini pulled out the photo frame from her handbag and after giving it a light peck she placed it on the left side of her table.

"Welcome back Nandini!" A sexy voice boomed in her cabin.

Sighing Nandini turned towards the door and found the devil smiling at her. Keeping a straight face, Nandini smiled back at him uttering a small thank you. Manik was taken aback by that gesture. Nandini's heart patted her back in pride. After all she was doing well this time after all. All her fears and inhibitions had flown away with time.

Manik's smile vanished in thin air as something caught his attention. His jaw clenched and his eyes turned a shade darker as he let out a deep sigh.

"It's better if you don't mix personal and professional life!" He stated tartly.

"Excuse me Sir?" Nandini knitted her brows in confusion.

"In simpler terms, we don't allow photo frames in our office!" He stated with his clenched teeth.

Nandini stifled a laugh and said, "What's the big deal? You can keep yours as well!" She looked him in the eye, "Well I know you don't deserve a girlfriend. So are you jealous of us? Huh?" She cocked up an eyebrow. She turned her eyes away as soon as Manik stared at her in rage.

"Rules are rules! And I'm not at all jealous of the two of you!" He gritted fiercely.

"Whatever! I am not gonna follow your stupid rules Sir!" Nandini shrugged off and opened her laptop.


"Sir please come to the lobby!" Manik was cut short by the pager boy who barged in without permission.

"What happened? Why are you huffing?" He asked.

"Sir police!"

That was it and Manik dashed towards the elevator thinking what could bring the cops to his office.

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