Chapter Eighteen

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Life is an open canvas inviting people to paint it in accordance with their preferences!

"Excuse me!" Nandini uttered after a while recovering from the initial shock.

"You're Nandini Murthy, ain't you?" The woman creased her brows.

"Yeah I'm!"

"So I'm right you're Manik's lover girl!" The woman smiled happily.

"You're mistaken Miss--"

"Miss Mahima Chakraborty!" She added.

"So Miss Mahima I'm not the lover girl of Manik Malhotra. In fact he is my boss and I'm dating his employee Mr Shrey Dixit!" Nandini said emphatically with a forced smile.

"My mistake Miss Murthy!" Mahima pursed his lips. "Why don't you come in?" She ushered her in. "Please be comfortable!" She showed her the couch.

"Thank you!" Nandini seated herself on the couch. She had no idea who this woman was and what on earth was she doing over here. Shrey would be waiting for her and now with her damaged phone she couldn't even text or call him. It was already dark outside and she had no idea how would she reach the cabin.

"So Miss Murthy what brings you here?" Mahima asked as she closed the main door.

"Nothing! Umm my phone cracked. Can I make a call please?" Nandini requested hiding away her real motive to visit the cottage.

"Oh sure!" Mahima unlocked her phone and handed it to Nandini.

Exhaling, Nandini dialled Shrey's number and informed her about her phone and said she would be back soon.

Nandini rose to her feet to leave. One question was nagging her though. How did the woman know her? Busy in her thoughts she knocked down the study desk. A photo frame fall off. She thanked the lord that Miss Mahima wasn't around so she quickly picked it up and placed it at its respective place. She noticed the word Doctor Mahima written on a page of an open dairy lying on the desk.

"Miss Nandini would you like some coffee and cookies?" Mahima entered the drawing room from the open kitchen carrying a tray full of cookies and coffee.

"No thanks! Well are you a doctor?" She asked.

"Yes I'm and I know the reason of your visit!" She smiled placing the tray on the coffee table. "You came to look for Manik, didn't you?"

Nandini's eyes shot up after hearing those words.

"You must be thinking how do I know about you and your reason for visit right?" Mahima said with a smile surprising Nandini again. Was she a mind reader or what? Nandini thought.

"Umm yeah! I mean it's so strange I know nothing about you and you seem to know me!" Nandini fidgeted with her scarf.

"Yeah that's because--"

"Who the hell are you talking to Mahima?" A voice boomed as someone descended down the stairs.

"Manik!" Nandini whispered to herself as Manik's eyes landed upon her.

"Look the one you were looking for is here!" Mahima's lips curved up.

"Who is she?" Manik's words stunned Nandini beyond imagination.

"Manik can you just relax please!" Mahima moved forward towards Manik.

"Why are you allowing strangers in this house? Tell her to leave!" Manik shouted at the top of his voice.

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