Chapter Three

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Life's a challenge, be prepared for the unexpected!

Nandini's eyes showed a rapid movement as she was sleeping peacefully on the bed under the effect of the medication. It seemed she still had some bizarre nightmares despite the heavy drowsiness caused by the medicines. The quick movement of the eyeballs pushed her closer to wakefulness perhaps breaking the link of the nightmares. She woke up with a jerk and it took her a few seconds to adjust to the surroundings.

She sat up straight and squinted at the wall clock. Looking around she found herself on a king size bed. The curtains were drawn back allowing the sunrays to bathe the rich mahogany floor in its golden light. The soft breeze brought along with it the fragrance of roses that were placed on the table beside the large glass window. Every item in the room screamed money. Where was she, she thought.

Was she in his house? Because the last thing her brain remembered was running away from the man who saved her in the woods. Then what happened? She fainted probably. No, she couldn't waste a single moment in his house. She had to run away as soon as possible. With this thought in her mind she rose from the bed and walked drowsily out of the lavish room carrying her luggage that was placed beside the bed. Then she heard voices near the door leading to the garden.

"Who is she? Why would he allow someone in his house?"

"Maybe his next mistress?"

"She isn't his types. Didn't you see her shabby clothes?" A lady doctor ranted to the nurse.

Nandini looked at her dress, of course it had become dirty in all that happened last night but the word 'she isn't his types' stabbed her heart with a knife reopening an old wound. She couldn't stand a minute longer and hear insults on her character.

So she ran away from there almost knocking another person in her way. Glancing back, she found the doctor and the nurse running behind her. She didn't stop. She had to find the entrance and leave his property as soon as she could. She didn't want to see him again.

"Hey stop! Where are you going?" One male staff interrupted her. She turned back to have a look at the person whom she gave a stern look. She was breathing heavily holding her chest but she didn't want to show anyone that she was weak. So remembering her resolve she turned around.

"Look ahead!" She ignored his voice and then with a mighty splash she fell into the cold water. She realized, in her hurry, she didn't see the ground and her feet landed directly into the crystal clear blue water of the swimming pool. She cried for help though the water wasn't enough to drown her.

The staff ran for her help but before they could reach her someone emerged from the water creating ripples throughout the length and breadth of the pool. Until now that person was diving under water but the sudden intrusion of the girl made him bob his head out of the water to inspect the situation.

The next instant the person reached her in a lightening speed and tugged her closer by her waist. Nandini, who was panting heavily until now, splashing water with her hand, immediately squeezed her eyes shut out of fear the moment she felt a touch on her body. The person had an amused smile on his lips when he looked at her fear stricken face. Until now she wanted people to help but now she seemed frozen at her spot.

Ignoring her weird behaviour, that person picked her up and walked towards the edge of the swimming pool. Nandini, on feeling being hurled up, opened her eyes and her gaze met with those chocolate brown orbs staring right back at her. Unconsciously her hands reached his neck for support and in return she found him smirking at her. She never thought she would meet him again. Her expressions changed from shock to terror. She didn't want to face him ever which was the only reason for her running a marathon but her poor fate brought her face to face with Manik Malhotra, the guy who brought a drastic change in her the moment he stepped into her life two years ago.

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