Chapter Sixteen

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Sometimes Love gives you pain and it's upto you to decide to how to face it!

Two days had passed since Nandini came out of coma. Today Shrey and Riya had decided to take her to a nearby park. She was responding well to her medicines and doctor said that she would recover fully in a week or so but they warned her to keep her out of stress.

Nandini was contemplating on joining office but Riya asked her not to until she had a full recovery. She was grateful to God for giving her a good hearted friend and a boyfriend whose aura screamed boyfriend goals, a person to be envy of.

"Nandu are you done day dreaming? Shall we leave now?" Riya asked waving her hands before Nandini.

"Yep I'm ready!" She smiled which was very rare of her.

They left her house and within thirty minutes they were inside the park. Shrey had gone to fetch some refreshments while Riya went to attend Advik's call. Nandini, being alone, perched herself on a wooden bench while her eyes were fixed on the beautiful flower bed at her front that was swaying with the light breeze coming from the opposite direction. She was so lost in nature's ethereal beauty that she didn't notice someone coming and sitting by her side.

"Beautiful aren't they?"

The voice rang a bell inside Nandini's head. She could never forget that voice ever. Her heartbeats rose a notch higher as she felt that person sitting beside her. She came here to seek peace but it seemed like fate had something else for her in its store. However, she didn't want to sound or look weak. She had decided to challenge her fate no matter what it threw on her path. With a hard look on her face suppressing her inside fears, Nandini turned around to face the devil.

"Yes they are unlike you!" She stated with a smug smile. Manik was shocked to see the wounded girl rising above her apprehensions.

"Fiesty huh?" He replied looking directly into her eyes. He thought Nandini would get intimidated but Nandini's poise expressed courage and fearlessness.

"What are you doing here Mr Malhotra?" She came directly to the point.

"I was just passing by so thought of paying you a visit!" He smiled.

"As far as my memory goes you were the one who left me in pain not once but twice. What you did the second time was inhuman and obnoxious. But what could be expected from a black hearted monster like you!" Nandini stated tartly. "So there's no point of the culprit visiting the victim of his wrong deeds!" She added in a hostile tone.

"Looks like the chicken finally has a voice!" He mocked.

"Never underestimate anyone!" Came her taut reply.

"You should atleast be grateful that I even care for you?"

"Care? That word sounds foreign on your tongue." Nandini let out a chuckle. "Says who is responsible for everything. Mr Malhotra the one who inflicts pain on others can never be caring in nature. They are only capable of giving pain but care is just an illusion that they try to create."

"Look I'm not here to listen to your lecture. I just want to know when are you joining office?" He enquired.

"So that you can torture me more? Well, I'm no more afraid of you anymore. You can try any of your dirty tactics but this time I'll fight back instead of shedding tears." Nandini said proudly with her new grown confidence. Yes, that Nandini was gone who could be intimidated and tortured endlessly. The terrible accident on her birthday gave birth to a new Nandini, a bold Nandini.

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