Chapter Four

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When you expect the least, the unexpected happens!

"Get your hands off the girl!" A voice groaned from the other end ending her trail of thoughts.

Nandini looked up to find a handsome stranger shooting daggers at the two hoodlums, one of them still holding her hand tight. The stranger who approached them seemed to kill the two with his looks only if looks had the power to kill.

"Deaf people need some other kind of treatment." He groaned and then his fist made contact with the person's nose that he left Nandini's hand as a reflex.

"How dare you hit my friend?" The other one named Vivek yelled.

"How dare your friend lay his hand on a girl?" The stranger growled.

In a split second, Vivek threw a punch at him which was obviously dodged by the stranger. The main culprit grabbed a chair and was about to flung it on the stranger but Nandini stopped him from doing so.

"I have called the police and then I'm sure you will enjoy the night behind the bars." She scoffed and the man broke a table or two in anger.

"Well that was such a lame act. You wanna fight then let's have a man to man fight rather than wasting your energy on inanimate things." The stranger challenged.

"I will see you later!" The man gritted.

"Sure! The video will be a good proof!" The stranger pointed to the CCTV cameras spying on them.

"Rocky let's leave!" Vivek dragged him out of the restaurant.

Nandini who was glad to be saved by a stranger turned towards him with a smile on her lips.

"Thank you so much for saving me!"

"Well thanks for bluffing about the police!" He winked causing Nandini to raise her brows.

"I didn't see you making a call!" He added and turned on his heels. She was about to ask his name but covered her ears when she heard someone yelling at her back.

"What the hell did happen here when I just went away for attending a call?" Mrs Kapoor blasted.

"Ma'am some guys were molesting me. Its recorded in the camera." Nandini answered politely.

"Listen girl I don't care what happened to you. The only thing I know its just a day and you are responsible for the losses. And who knows you might have invited them yourself."

Nandini's eyes shot up for the false accusation at her character. How dare she think so low of her?

"Women like you are responsible for giving birth to bastards like them who only blame girls for everything rather than teaching their sons to respect women." Nandini expressed with contempt laced in her voice.

"I am firing you!"

"Thanks even I won't work where women are not given respect!" Saying that Nandini departed.


It was half past eleven, Nandini was walking on the road aimlessly without any destination. The voices started replaying in her head. What if those goons come back and attack her again? If that stranger wouldn't come what would have happened to her?

Apart from these questions what hurt her most that she lost the only job without any fault of her own. She looked up in the sky with teary eyes as if asking the lords why did she have such a poor fate? Why was she always at the receiving end? Why couldn't happiness stay in her life? Why would she have to bear consequences sometimes because of herself and sometimes without her fault?

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