Chapter Six

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Welcome to the 6th chapter!
Thank you for showering love on the last chapter 😍

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It takes one reason to hate but thousands to love!

Shrey helped Nandini to reach the sick room. The blood drops had scarred the white marbled floor turning it into a shade of deep red. But Shrey asked the office boy to get it cleaned soon. There wasn't any nurse but a first aid box lied on the table. Shrey carefully opened the handkerchief that was soaked in blood. He cleaned her wound taking care to pick up a tiny piece of glass that was still stuck to her skin. Nandini winced in pain but the cold water flowing from the tap gave her a little respite. Shrey applied an antiseptic and wrapped a bandage over her hand.

"Nandini this is just a first aid! But I think you should go and see a doctor!" He said wrapping up the bandage. "Wait I'll call the nurse who comes here when she is needed." He suggested taking a look at Nandini's sunken face.

"No it's okay! This will be fine in a week or so!" She tried to smile.


"Please!" He nodded.

"How are you going home?" He asked when she was near the door.

"I'll take the bus!" She answered politely.

"No way I'm dropping you! And I'm not taking a no!" He warned with a sweet smile on his face.

She opened the door and came face to face with the person who was responsible for this. She gulped down the lump in her throat. Manik didn't open his mouth but his icy glares were enough to scare Nandini. Shrey saw this and stood before her.

"Excuse me Sir!" Shrey held her hand and excused him and Nandini because Manik was blocking their path.

Manik didn't stop the duo but clenched his fists hard. Nandini looked over her shoulder but the cold eyes of Manik made her walk away as fast as she could almost matching steps with Shrey.

In the parking lot Riya, who had no idea of the incidence, came rushing towards Nandini. Shrey went to bring his bike to where Nandini and Riya stood.

"Oh My God! What happened to your hand?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"I accidentally broke a vase and while cleaning just injured my hand." Nandini exclaimed.

"And who the hell asked you to clean it?" She furrowed her brows.

"Manik Sir!" Nandini gave a faint reply.

"I'm so gonna kill that man!" Riya yelled and picked up a stone.

"Oh no no! What are you doing Riya? Are you going to pelt stones at him?" Nandini expressed in horror.

"Yes I'm going to break that glass window and slash his tires and damage the windshield screen and all the windows!" She fumed in anger.

"Okay okay calm down Queen of Jhansi!" Shrey intervened when he heard Riya's plan.

"But Shrey this is not fair! He just can't hurt my friend!" Riya let out a deep breath.

"I know it's not fair but he is our boss. We just can't resort to violence. I'm sure that was a mistake and he won't do anything like that."

Nandini glanced at Shrey and her heart laughed bitterly thinking how innocent Shrey was. He had no idea what the devil could do to her. Anyways, she couldn't let Riya fall into the victim list of Manik.

"Riya calm down! I'm fine! Now let's go home!" She pressed Riya's hand.

"Are you sure?" Nandini nodded.

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