Chapter Nine

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Revenge can be sweet at times!

Manik woke up earlier than Nandini who was still dozing off oblivious of the ruckus she created last night. Manik washed his face and came near Nandini who was sleeping on the small cot. Her sweet innocence seemed to drive someone crazy. Manik unaware of what he was doing, stood extremely closer to Nandini. He squatted at her left side and leaned forward, his body acting on its own. Making no noise he almost touched her lips and at that very moment Nandini's eyes opened who was shocked to see Manik in such a close vicinity.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She asked sitting up straight.

"Nothing!" Manik bit his lip and stood up stuffing his hands in his pockets looking everywhere except at Nandini.

"Were you trying to kiss me?" Nandini blurted all of a sudden.

"Yes and yesterday I did kiss you in your drunken state!" Manik smirked after Nandini's words registered in his mind.

"You're disgusting! How could you take advantage of someone in a drunken state?" Nandini hissed, "Hold on so this was the reason you gave me beer last night!" She said thinking about last night.

"No had I known you would play a drunken witch pissing me off every instant, I would have never given you alcohol even if you would be dying of cold!" He spat back.

Nandini's lips curved up when she thought she had managed to piss him off but the word witch and kiss filled her with rage the next moment.

"Why did you kiss me then?"

Manik was unable to give a perfect answer. He paced up and down and finally had a comeback.

"Why didn't you kiss me?" He smirked.

"I would never kiss you ever in my senses and I'm glad even my drunken state knew what a disgusting locust you are!" She spitted fire through her eyes.

"What did you call me?" He came extremely closer to her.

"A disgusting locust!" She gritted her teeth.

"Come again?"

Nandini's blood was boiling in anger. The thought of his dirty lips on hers made bile rise up to her throat. She felt soiled and disgusted by the mere thought of him kissing her and last night he actually touched her lips with his when she wasn't in her senses. A fierce rebellion rose in her mind and then what her body did at that particular moment was beyond her anticipation.

Nandini's hand flew to his face as Manik came towering over her petite frame. Her other hand covered up her mouth as realisation dawned upon her. She had slapped the devil without thinking of the consequences.

Manik, appalled by her ferocity, shot death glares at her as his hand rubbed the spot where her fingers made contact on his skin. Despite the burning sensation on his skin, his eyes were glowing red in anger.

Nandini, without wasting a second, grabbed her belongings and rushed outside the cottage. She had awakened the devil inside Manik and getting humiliated again was the last thing on her mind. She knew she had to travel alone but for now she just wanted to escape from the human shaped devil.

Reaching the road, Nandini rummaged through her handbag and fished out her phone that accidentally got dropped on the snow. With trembling hands, she picked it up and switched it on. She sighed when she found that her phone's battery hadn't yet died out. Quickly with shaking fingers she dialled Shrey. After two-three rings Shrey answered her call.

"Hey Nandini how are you?"

"I'm fine Shrey I just want to know the address of the lodge y'all are staying in." Nandini answered in a hurry.

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