Chapter Fifteen

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Every cloud has a silver lining!

Dark clouds hovered over the sky and it seemed it would pour out its weight at any time of the day. Shrey and Riya completed their work and after having lunch came out of their office to meet Nandini in the hospital. A month had passed and Nandini wasn't yet out of coma. But Riya and Shrey hadn't given up, they would visit her two times a day while Shrey preferred to spend the night at the hospital most of the times.

Today, darkness crept into the middle of the day and it seemed like a never ending darkness. But Shrey saw a tiny streak of light peeping out of the black clouds as if God sent a message that after every dark hour there's always a ray of light to guide people in their life's journey. Shrey smiled at it as he hopped on his bike with Riya at the back seat.

"What are you laughing at?" Riya asked perplexed with his sudden smile.

"Every cloud has a silver lining! Maybe today Nandini will wake up!" He answered with a positive thought.

"I just hope whatever you said comes true! Now ride the bike faster otherwise we would be drenched in the rain." He nodded and started the engine.

Within minutes, they vroomed past their office and other buildings. But by the time they reached the hospital, the rain had started pouring down drenching both of them with it's mighty strength.

"Shit! I need to change!" Riya muttered as she entered Nandini's cabin.

"Yeah otherwise you'll catch cold!"

"Yes sister Anshu!" Riya looked up and gaped at the view in her front.

"Oh My God!" She glanced at Shrey.

Together, they ran towards Nandini's bed and hugged her tightly.

"Guys you both are wet and now I'll catch cold! Spare me some breath!" Nandini whisper yelled as she embraced her two friends.

Yes, Nandini had come out of coma and that voice wasn't of the nurse Anshu but that of Nandini's.

"I just can't believe my eyes! Shrey pinch me please!" Riya blabbered.

"Stop being dramatic Riya!" Nandini smiled as she pulled apart.

"Hold on! When did you come out of the coma?" Riya asked shutting up Shrey who tried to open his mouth everytime to say something but was stopped by Riya.

"In the morning!"

"And don't blame us for not informing. Your friend requested us to give you all a surprise!" Sister Anshu walked in with some flowers in her hand.

"Thank God! You're fine! Do you know how much we were stressed out in these thirty days?" Shrey finally said something shushing Riya.

"I was sleeping for thirty days?" Nandini asked with a horrified expression.

"Yes! You had almost given us a heart attack!" Riya sat by her side and held her one hand in hers.

"But finally when you're awake all our worries just flew out of the window!" Shrey grabbed Nandini's other hand and squeezed it.

"And now she is perfect for discharge. Riya can you come with me for collecting the discharge papers?" Sister Anshu asked.

"Sure I'll be right there!" Riya left winking at Nandini.

There was an awkward silence between the two love birds once Riya left closing the door after her. Nandini and Shrey were at loss of words. Only their lips communicated through their smiles. Despite the silence, their smiles showed how much they missed each other.

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