Chapter Twenty One

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Change is the only certain thing in this universe!

Nandini woke up to the sound of her hotel room's landline ringing continuously for the third time. She stretched her hands out to ward off her sleepiness. Checking the time on her wrist watch she received the phone when it began ringing for the fourth time.

"Hello who's this?" She uttered in her sleepy voice.

"Hello ma'am you need to check out at 7am!" The manager spoke from the other side.

"What? It's already six!" She yelled.

"Sorry ma'am! Actually your boss has already checked out at night and he told that you will be checking out around seven." Saying this the manager hung up.

Nandini remembered about last night's fiasco and how Manik had said he would leave. But she never thought he would actually leave.
Sighing, she rose to her feet and completed the morning rituals. Picking up her backpack, she checked out exactly at seven.

She had breakfast in a local dhaba and left for the bus stand. An hour later, she boarded the bus to Shimla. Leaving some messages on Shrey's whatsapp she plugged in her earphones and leaned back on the head rest eventually closing her eyes.

Six and a half hours passed in a whiffy as Nandini mostly slept during the entire ride. Hopping off the bus, Nandini had a huge smile plastered on her face as Shrey had come to pick her up. Moving away from the crowd to a lonely spot, Nandini threw her arms around Shrey and pecked on his cheek.

"I missed you!" She drew her lips together.

"I missed you too!" He pecked on her nose.

"How's aunty?" She asked mounting on the bike.

"She's good!" He smiled looking at her from the rear view mirror. She smiled back at him as she adjusted her dupatta.

The bike vroomed past a black SUV. The glasses rolled down and a cigarette butt fell on the dirt track right on the tyre marks left by Shrey's bike. Manik, who was on the driver's seat smiled as his eyes were glued to the curve on the mountain road, where the bike took a turn and vanished in a moment of seconds.

He sighed, sipping some water. He had come to see if she had reached safely or not. A smile that reached his eyes confirmed that he was happy with her safe journey. He made a call to someone and then starting the engine he drove off.

Meanwhile Nandini reached her home. She straight away went to the bathroom as she needed to pee badly. Changing into some comfortable clothes, she thought of calling Riya. Today was Saturday and Riya had went for some grocery shopping at the local mall.

"Riya I'm back. When are you coming?" She asked moving into the kitchen.

She knitted her brows as there was no veggies and grocery left. She was tired after a long journey and didn't want to go to the local market. Her thoughts got interrupted with the constant yelling from the phone.

"Earth to Nandini! Where were you lost?" Riya asked anxiously.

"I have nothing to cook!" Nandini stated glumly.

"Wow that's great!" Riya laughed.

"I will go hungry today and you're enjoying my sorry state!" Nandini frowned as if Riya was watching her.

"That's because I'm bringing some chicken biryani home today. And stop frowning girl! Now tada! Will see you in fifteen minutes." Riya hung up after a hearty laugh. Riya knew Nandini in and out so she understood about Nandini's frown.

A Heart That BleedsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora