Chapter 2

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 Mark introduces Jesse to me, at least I think he does, my mind is still a little foggy.

'Rob, how are you, this is Jesse, he will be representing GreenLeft, I think you two will get along.'

Jesse reaches out his hand to me and when he does so, it feels like I'm magnetically drawn to it. I go to grab his hand, but with the slightest touch of our fingers, I instantly feel a rush of fiery electricity shoot through my entire body. My toes are numb, my legs are shaky and it feels like the entire chamber just caught fire, and all I am inhaling is smoke because my lungs are giving out. 

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, he speaks. 

'Static electricity.' he says, with a smirk. 

Wow, he looks good when he does that... 

I mumble something that resembles a ''re right', followed by a shaky laugh. He must think  I'm such a loser. Why am I so nervous?!

I gather all the courage I have left and drag my feet back to my place. Sigrid is still sitting there, I'm sure she notices my appalling expression because she is struggling to hold back a laugh. I take a seat, and she comes near my ear to whisper,

'He's good-looking, don't you think?'

I'm a bit thrown off by her question, she's always very serious and reserved. I don't think she has thought about a man or woman in that way since the start of this millennium. 

I look at her and say, with not much conviction, 'I hadn't noticed...'

She sees straight through my bullshit, rightfully so, but I pretend not to notice her expression. It's just my mind playing tricks on me. I have been quite emotional with the whole Thierry thing going on, I'm sure I just got a little vulnerable when another man walked through that door and I wasn't able to focus my attention on Thierry anymore. 

Wait... Thierry. Where is he? I look around the chamber, but he is not in his usual seat all the way to the right. When I am searching the perimeter, I get that fiery feeling crawling up my spine again. Suddenly my view is blocked, and he is standing right in front of me. 

I drag my eyes slowly up his body, his lean, fit, gorgeous body... 

Focus, Rob! I shake the intrusive thought, as I watch him take a seat at the end of the row to my right. Nothing but a simple aisle separating the two of us. He places his briefcase on the small table in front of him, opening the buttons with his large strong hands. I carefully watch him proceed to take some papers out of it when he suddenly stops moving. 

'Enjoying the view?' 

His deep voice strikes me right in my gut, as I look up, meeting his gaze. 

'Oh... I-I-I, I wasn't...' I stumble, but no more words come to my rescue. Come on, Rob, think! 

That is when he smirks at me again and proceeds to write something on his papers as if nothing just happened. What did happen? Why am I feeling so anxious around this man. Must be because he looks so intimidating, he probably is just awakening my primal instincts when an evil enemy enters your territory. 

Speaking about territory, I feel a cold hand slipping on my shoulder, squeezing it tightly. I look up to find Baudet at my side, he looks not pleased. 

'A word, Rob?' 

Well, I hope it's a question that is, but I'm pretty sure it is more of a demand. 

I stand up and adjust my suit as I follow Thierry towards the doors of the chamber. I can feel his stare when I walk away, so I turn to look over my shoulder before we exit the chamber, but Jesse is gone... 

Thierry leads me to the broom closet, but surprisingly so, he walks right past it. His shoulders are rigid, if this was a cartoon I'm pretty sure I would be able to see steam coming from his ears. If I were to join him, there would be question marks floating all around my head instead. Why is he so mad? 

He leads me to the end of a quiet corridor and he takes one more look across the hallway to see if nobody followed us. He is usually the discrete one, so this is coming as a major surprise. I'm filled with apprehension as he takes a firm grip on my wrist and drags me around the corner. Suddenly my back is against the wall and Thierry is towering over me, his face mere millimeters from mine. His brows are knit in frustration and his eyes are freezing on my skin. He puts a large hand next to my head, the loud noise coming from the contact of the wall to his palm making me startle. 

'What the hell was that about?!' 

'W-w-what was what about?' 

But my counter-question did not seem to please him one bit.  

'You know damn well what I'm talking about, you were looking at that new guy as if you were ready to eat him like a snack.' 

He's angry about Jesse?! What the hell... I'm so mad right now as well. I can feel my blood boiling, who does he think he is?! For over a year already he gets to do whatever the hell he pleases, and gets to walk around like some heterosexual demigod, while stringing me along, and the second another man walks in, he gets mad at me? 

Though I am burning with anger, I guess somewhere, somehow, in a place that I do not want to admit to myself, I also feel some sort of... flattered? I mean, he must care a lot, for him to get so angry over me just staring at another man. It makes me think what he would do if I would actually engage in something more with someone else. 

I'm being jolted out of my thoughts with another slap to the wall, this one inching closer to my head, the vibration of the impact coursing through me. The slap on the wall is followed by his loud angry voice, which reaches down my body till I feel it in my toes. 


I feel my body getting hotter and hotter, and I don't think I have felt this... this rage before? I'm getting so worked up that it even gets hard to breathe. That is when I'm being struck by the realization, that it is not anger resonating through my body, it is him. 

'Everything okay here?' 

Thierry Baudet is not having it! 

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Thierry Baudet is not having it! 

- Hihihi, that was chapter 2 besties!! Let me know what you think in the comments! What will Thierry do now that Jesse has caught him being aggressive with Rob??  Find out in the next chapter! 

I'll try to finish another chapter this afternoon!!! Xoxo ur favorite Dutch girl 

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