Chapter 8

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Everything is suddenly happening so fast, my mind is struggling to keep up. Thierry is being pulled off of me by another man. All I see is dark brown curly hair and- 

Did he just kick down my door?!? That's mahogany!!! 

The next thing I see is blood... on my mahogany...

I focus on the source of where the blood is coming from and I see Thierry standing bent over, holding what is left of my door to steady himself. In front of him is a tall man, with a broad back. His shoulders are fierce and his hands are balled tightly into fists. I recognize those hands. Those hands... is where the blood is dripping from. 

The man is ready to attack again and he launches toward Thierry recklessly, acting on pure rage. That is when I catch a glimpse of his face. 


My voice is sounding, small, timid, and defeated. 

But he hears it. He hears it and he listens. He is standing still long enough for Thierry to escape my apartment. 

He is still tense, I can feel it. I don't know how, but somehow I'm able to feel his presence, his emotions. But only when he lets me.

He turns his head to the side, but he doesn't fully look at me. His jaw flexes and he blinks once, two times before he leaves as well... 

Taking a small piece of my heart with him, which he just chipped off. 

Why would he leave me like that... 

I slide down against the kitchen wall and try to comprehend what just happened. 

Did Thierry really just try to force himself on me? What would have happened if Jesse hadn't come? Why did he come here? Why did he knock down my door? And why did he leave so eagerly after? 

But more importantly... How do I get blood spatter out of my mahogany?!

I need a drink... 

I get up to pour myself a nice full glass of my favorite Merlot, as I think about where I left my phone. Ah right... the couch. I go to grab it and see that the battery is completely dead. That is weird, it was a little under 40% last time I checked. 

I find my charger and plug it in. In the meanwhile, I decide to make myself useful and tidy up the place a bit. I'm still shaken up about the whole Jesse going MMA on Thierry thing, but I figure this is the best way to distract myself. 

I take a look at the clock, it's been about an hour since Jesse left, I should start making dinner soon... Although I'm not even the slightest bit hungry. 

Wine for dinner it is. 

I tie the garbage bag and take it in my left hand to go to the dumpster in the garage, my glass of perfectly room temp Merlot accompanying me in my right hand. I initially wanted to go for chardonnay, but the chill made me reconsider.. 

I leave my apartment door and turn to my right as I am struck by what I see next. 

Jesse is standing there leaning against the outer wall of my apartment. 

Has he been here the entire time?

I'm so caught off guard by his appearance, I just proceed my way down to the garage. 

What the hell?

I throw the bag away and I take my time to return upstairs. After a big sip of liquid courage, I step off the elevator, to find Jesse in the same exact spot where he was when I found him just a few minutes ago. I walk towards my door as I stop in front of him, his head is bowed down and he doesn't look at me. 

I'm not sure what to do so I just give him my glass of wine and walk inside. 

But he doesn't follow... 

I step into the doorway and look at him again. 

'Are you coming?' 

He looks at me now, I cannot entirely seem to make up what his face is telling me, though there are a few traces of genuine confusion. I can feel him shutting me out, yet I don't know why. 

We keep eye contact for a moment as he stands up straight and follows me inside. 

I grab another glass of wine for myself as Jesse takes place on a barstool. My kitchen is not large, but it is big enough for me. I have a small kitchen island with two bar stools, and across from it the usual. An oven, a fridge, and some kitchen cabinets, from one which I retrieve my medkit. 

I put the kit onto the kitchen Island where Jesse is sitting. I take some bandages out of it, but I realize his knuckles need some cleaning first. I grab a clean cloth and wet it in the sink. I turn around to Jesse and I suddenly am struck with apprehension. 

Wow... Even with messy hair and bloody knuckles, this man is still as gorgeous as ever. The sun has started to set, leaving us with a glowing and radiant scene. I hesitate, before moving forward. I reach out to grab his hand which is rested on the countertop. 

But as soon as our fingers touch, he pulls back in a reflex. 

Did I hurt him?

Or maybe, he has a bad experience with people helping him when he is hurting? 

He looks me straight in the eye, his guard completely up. I have no idea what he is thinking. He looks at me for a solid second or two before his brows flex together and he lays his hand back on the countertop. This time a little more toward me. 

'May I?'

He nods. 

I proceed and take his hand, gently. 

I'm tapping the cloth against his knuckles softly whilst making sure he is not in pain. The entire time I notice the flashes of confusion not leaving his expression. 

Has he never been taken care of?

When I finish up cleaning, I spray on some disinfection, to which he does not budge a single bit. 

I wrap his large hand in a bandage and he gulps down what is left of his glass of wine. 

I'm not sure what I should do next, so I just take a seat beside him. I never really estimated how little space there was, between the two bar stools. He is close, really close. I can smell his soft cologne. It smells like... Tobacco Vanille. The smell is as breathtaking as he is. 

I get that weird tingly feeling crawling up my spine again, yet this time I don't fight it. 

He turns his head to the door, to where he just beat up Thierry. 

I notice a seam ripped around his shoulder in his dark navy blue jacket. I also notice his large arms bulging through the jacket. I didn't know he worked out...

'I'm sorry about messing up your door.'

'It's okay, I never really liked it anyway.'

His lips crinkle up into the slightest smile as he lets out a small huff, he takes one last look at the door and focuses his eyes back on me. 

'You never really liked your mahogany?'

- Dark Jesse has a

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- Dark Jesse has a... heart??

Sleep well besties!!!

XOXO ur favorite Dutch girl 

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