Chapter 20

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- Okay this song has nothing to do with this chapter but it came out today and it makes me really happy and I wanted to share that happiness with all of you :) 

Song for the chapter:

Jesse Klaver POV

Never would I have imagined Rob being able to resist me like that. He continues to surprise me more and more with each day that passes. 

I wonder how long it takes him to give into me. 

I can't deny, this hard-to-get act of him is quite intriguing. 

Of course, I intended to push Rob to Thierry for the sake of that man's cooperation in getting me intel on Wilders and his party to get them eliminated. 

Not that I have told Thierry about that already. 

Mark was supposed to get me a meeting with some shady people who had incriminating evidence against Wilders, but some other priorities came up which needed taking care of... 

Not that people who have shit on Wilders could in any way be categorized as shady, but whatever. 

Having Rob leave on his own, without me pushing him, hurts- ... Well, let's just keep it at that it's hurting my ego. 

We make our way back to my car. Whilst passing the bar, I can see Rob clearly looking to see if Thierry is still around. 

I'm not sure why, but it strikes a nerve. What he said next, struck a whole lot more than just a nerve. 

Did he actually sleep with him last night?

I mean sure, it was kind of my intention, but I didn't expect it to go over this easily. 

Besides, I doubt there's any chance for reconciliation between those two after tonight... I beat Thierry up pretty badly. Just thinking back about him putting his hands on Rob makes my own itch. 

And that word coming out of his disgusting mouth, attacking Rob like that, did the trick. It's the last word I remember before everything went pitch black. After that, the first memory I have is hearing Rob's voice ringing in my ears.

I don't know exactly how much damage I did, but I bet it's not good when I lose my shit like that. 

Thanks to daddy dearest, fighting has been a major part of my life, more than I ever wanted to. More than I begged him to... But eventually, the anger came with it as well. 

Or better said, the anger came along when my dad figured out I was a hell of a lot better fighter when I would get outraged. 

The first time he realized was when he just beat up my mother because I wouldn't fight him after he broke my barbie doll. 

I tried to at first, but he decided I didn't fulfill his wishes and felt that I needed a little more motivation. 

That was the first time I actually did any damage. I jumped on top of him when I realized my screams and tears weren't going to get him off of my mother. I scratched his left eye so severely, he had to have it removed. 

I went to the hospital with him, because my hands needed stitching as well. It was the first time I got stitches, actually. 

A lot of firsts that day...

Usually, the blood would dry after a few hours along with my tears. After a few days, the crusting would start to fade and after a week there would be nothing left but scars to remind me of my fathers' abuse.

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