Chapter 11

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Rob Jetten

I go to pick up my papers, not even caring to look who's coffee just spilled all over them.

As I am trying to save them, I realize quickly they're a lost cause. I pick a few of them up, drenched in black liquid. I don't even notice it when someone has been trying to gather some papers of mine as well until our fingers touch.

It's him.  

The air is getting thicker, as it's becoming hard to breathe. I look up straight away and there he sits, crouching down to help me save my work. He looks at me and offers me a half-smile before he picks up my sketchbook.


Didn't know I brought that, I must have overlooked it being on my coffee table when I was in a hurry this morning.

He turns it around as I try to grab it from his hands, but he won't let me. He looks at it thoughtfully, his brows knitting together. 

He hates it. 

I feel ambushed by a strange rush of insecurity flooding me, overwhelming me. Why do I even care if he likes it or not? They're just a few random drawings, it's not like I'm trying to make a career out of it. I already have one of those. Or at least, until this morning... I have no idea what will happen after my speech in five minutes that I haven't been able to fully prepare for. 

His eyes halt at one drawing as he analysis it carefully. 

'Is that... a clover?'

He says as he lifts his eyes from my sketchbook and focuses them on me. His smile has disappeared and his cheeky look has gone very serious very sudden. 

'Uhm... Yes, it is actually... '

I rub the back of my neck as I get very self-conscious. 

'I uh.. I like them a lot, they're beautiful. Precious yet fragile, just like a...'

'... butterfly.' He interrupts. 

'Yes... Yes, exactly like a butterfly.' 

I look at him with a confused smile. How did he know exactly what I was going to say? 

Sometimes it feels like he truly knows me, but I have to get my head straight. I have only known him for a little while now. There's just something about him, his presence, which makes me feel close to him. Connected. 

He looks a little lost in thought as I hear another familiar voice

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He looks a little lost in thought as I hear another familiar voice. 

'Drawing clovers? Really Jesse? A little girly, don't you think? Even for you.' 

I look up, as I find Thierry standing behind me. He seems caught by surprise as he sees my face, considering the condescending smile leaving his face faster than women within a five-mile radius of him. 

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