Chapter 3

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Thierry lowers his arm as soon as he hears Jesse's voice, and takes a step back immediately. He crosses his arms in front of him and looks Jesse up and down while straightening his back. He takes a good, intimidating, look at Jesse before he speaks. 

'Nothing to see here.'

I would not want to be Jesse right now, Thierry has this territorial wolf look written all over him, and he is ready to protect what is his. But am I though? His? If you'd asked me that last year before he came to work here I would have said yes, without hesitation. But with all that has happened in the meantime... All the late-night calls he didn't pick up, all the angry notes he left me when I would stare at him in the chamber. 

Even Sigrid picked up on something being off between us. She is the only one that knows about me and Thierry, but don't tell him that. We've been close for a while now, I think she sees me in a way she would her son since she lost hers in a car accident a few years ago. I feel for her, and I love that we have such a close relationship now. She knows I don't like to talk about my relationship with Thierry, and she also knows it's because there's most likely something very off with it. I mean, I get that it is not the healthiest relationship out there, but he loves me. And that is all that matters, right?

Thierry might have a strange way of showing it, but that is just who he is. A little strange. I like that about him though, he is smart and not like other boys. He is special. Just like... Jesse

There is something about that man, and I can't seem to put my finger on it. The way he just... followed me? That's weird... Yeah, no that's actually really weird. But also, intriguing. Urgh, what is wrong with me, he probably was just trying to find the restroom or something, it is a big place, easy to get lost and all. 

But he doesn't look like he is about to pee when he is staring Thierry down. Thierry is at least half a foot taller than Jesse, and is looking ready to fight, but Jesse somehow still is able to intimidate him? How is that even possible... Thierry is by far the scariest man I've ever seen. If it wasn't for my love for him, I would be freaked out if I ever encountered him in the hallway alone. 

While holding his eyes thoroughly focussed on Thierry, Jesse calls out my name 

'Rob, why don't you show me the bathroom.'

What is it about the men today and demanding things from me? I am my own man, I can make my own decisions, thank you very much. 

I hesitate when I want to walk away and look at him. He moves slightly out of the way, just enough for me to pass, whilst still holding his gaze on Thierry. I take one more look at Thierry before I leave. A bead of sweat is rolling down his forehead, he looks... terrified.

I walk to the end of the corridor towards the restroom. When I lay my hand on the doorknob to open up the bathroom door, I feel long fingers slipping around my wrist, grabbing it firmly. The hand wasn't cold like Thierry's, it was... hot, really hot. I look over to see the person attached to the hand, but I already know who it is since the air has thickened and I feel a storm igniting inside my gut. 

There he stands, so close. He signs towards the elevators, and walks away, releasing my wrist. I grab it and rub it and it is still warm. Who is this man?!

I don't know if I'm scared or excited, but one thing I do know is that I need to know more about him. 

I follow him toward the elevators and step inside. The doors close and it feels like the temperature has risen at least 10 degrees. I go to stand against one side whilst Jesse is leaning against the opposite side. He suddenly moves forward and is standing awfully close. He is only a few inches away when he drags is eyes over my body and stops his gaze at my lips, whilst licking his. The tension is dreadful, and I feel like I might combust any second now. That is when I hear a button being pushed right beside me. 

Right... Of course.

Jesse leans back to his side of the elevator again, and there is that smirk again. But this time, it's a little different. It looks like he is genuinely enjoying the effect he has on me... Asshole. 

I look at the button he pushed, the top floor? There is nothing there but some dusty out-of-use offices and... a stairway to the roof. 

The elevator doors open and Jesse walks out confidently. It feels like he already knows this place, but he literally just joined today. 

He walks up the stairs without hesitation and opens the doors to the rooftop. I follow him in curiosity and when I walk through the small door, I find him leaning on the railing, facing the city. The sun is painting the sky a beautiful golden orange while setting earlier this time of year. It is getting a little chilly outside, but I'm used to the cold. 

I walk up to him but I don't have the courage to stand beside him yet. I don't have to when Jesse speaks over his shoulder. 

'Did he hurt you?' 

Wait, does he think Thierry actually hurt me? He would never. I know what it must have looked like but Thierry would never physically abuse me, I'm sure of that. 


I find the courage to stand next to him now, and place my hands on the railing. 


He really is beautiful... 

His dark obscure eyes are illuminated to perfection by the last hours of daylight. I don't get much time to admire his beauty, because he straightens his back and turns to me. He is looking at me like he actually sees me. I don't know how to explain it, but I don't think anyone has ever looked at me like this before. Not even Thierry. 

Even though I'm outside and it is too cold to be standing here in only a thin blouse, I am feeling so hot, I think I might be getting a bit feverish. 

Jesse is looking at my face, taking me in as he reaches out his hand. His thumb touches my cheek and swipes alongside it for only a split second, but that is enough for that spark to ignite again. 


Jesse says while rubbing the supposed eyelash of mine between his thumb and index finger. He is looking at it thoughtfully, before a look of... sorrow passes his face? 

The moment we just had is suddenly obliterated, as Jesse walks away in a hurry. 

'Wait, Jesse!' 

I call out to him, and he comes to a halt. 


Did not anticipate him actually stopping... Quick, say something!

But yet again, I am at a loss for words around this man. It is like he has some sort of spell over me, and I'm not sure I like that. 


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- Chapter 3 already!!! Thank you sooo much for  all the support, this is crazy lmao!

What do you think made Jesse walk away like that?? Find out next chapter hihi 

Xoxo ur favorite Dutch girl 

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