Chapter 19

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As the lights inside the shop close, I feel his lips attach to my collar bone. His kiss is soft and gentle, opposed to his hands, which are rough and firm. 


I say to him. 


He whispers against my hot skin, his sizzling breath leaving my head messy and my judgment clouded. He always has this effect on me, and he knows it. But I need my mind with me for the words I'm about to speak out next. 

'I know what you're doing.'

He removes his lips from my neck, brushing them alongside my cheek as he lifts his head to face me. Our noses barely touching as he responds. 

'And what is that?'

His eyes are hazy, he looks almost like he's drunk, but I've been with him the entire evening and he hasn't had a single drink. 

A hint of concern flashes between his eyes as he notices my stern expression, but is quickly washed over by this darkness. This hunger. 

I've seen it before, in the elevator. 

He's not going to like this, but I'm stuck on what else to do. 

'As long as you're playing these games with me, I will not give in to you.' 

He looks a tad bit frustrated by my defiance and he lays out one more attempt. 

'What games?'

He asks, but we both know he's been messing with my mind since the second he walked through those doors of the chamber. 

I'm not sure he knows I can read him like an open book when it comes to moments like these, but I'm not budging. I'm done with men playing with my mind and my body. 

If he wants me, he can get me, but after he left me hanging the other night I promised myself I would never let a man get into my head or my bed like Thierry did. 

Okay, starting today that is... 

I still have feelings for Thierry, but over the past few weeks as I have distanced myself from him I have had some time to reflect on our relationship, or lack thereof, and I've come to figure out he's had this nasty effect on my emotions and my thoughts, which quite frankly scares the shit out of me. 

When Jesse pushed me away I felt the same ache I felt while being in a relationship with Thierry every time we had some sort of interaction, either positive or negative. Only with Jesse, the feeling was grossly intensified. That is when I figured out, Thierry has been hurting me all along. Taking little bits and pieces of me with him and replacing them with nothing but hollowness.

I spent all night thinking about it, and when I put some of the pieces together, I recognized a lot of Thierry's toxic behavior toward me today. 

It's time to focus on me and only me, I don't need a man.

Or one whose only intentions are to play games, that is...

Because even though Jesse is nothing like Thierry, he drove me into his arms when he left me out to dry, and I don't know if I can take a whole lot more of that feeling. 

If he wants to be with me, he will have to prove to me that he's serious about us, because I will not continue this downward spiral of hot, messy, dangerous, sexy, fiery...

Maybe just once-

No! I mentally slap myself in the face for being this weak, but I can't help it. The sight of him, his smell, his touch, his presence, his voice, his physique, it's all so alluring it makes my knees buckle.

I push him off of me because God knows what will happen if I don't. He has a spell on me which he and I and I bet all the people in a five-mile radius know.

A certain look crosses his face, he's either agitated with me or intrigued by me, either way, I don't care. 

I don't! 

Or at least that's what I tell myself...

He looks me up and down, his eyes dark as ever, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly in what seems like enjoyment. 

Is he enjoying this?! I'm torturing myself and he's enjoying it? 

I roll my eyes and sigh, as I realize I just made this game a lot more interesting for him... 

Perfect, Rob, just perfect. 

I look left and right to see if I find any police still wandering around before stepping onto the street. 

Jesse walks past me, without hesitation, purposefully bumping his shoulder into mine. 

'Coast is clear!'

He chimes as he turns around and holds his hands up, a cheeky smile pasted on his gorgeous little face. 

Wow, that man is irritating. 

We walk back the way we came from to his car and pass the bar. We stay clear from underneath any street lanterns, to assure no one sees us. 

I try to peek inside, to see if Thierry is still there, but there is no sight of him. 

'Looking for your boyfriend?'

'He is not my boyfriend.'

He made that very clear the moment he entered the house of representatives. I have no idea why he called me that this evening, probably trying to be macho or something. 

'I'm not the one you need to convince, pretty boy.'

I look sideways at him, slightly agitated. Did he seriously just call me pretty boy?

He looks like he's fighting to hold back a laugh. 

What on earth did I get myself into. 

'He probably misread last night.' I retort.

He wants annoying, I'll show him annoying. 

But he doesn't seem one bit pleased with the taste of his own medicine when I see his eyes narrowing and his jaw setting tightly. 

Okay, maybe I took it a little too far... I guess somewhere I was still holding on to a little resentment for him rejecting me the way he did. 

What can I say? I can be petty like that sometimes, and it is actually one of the things I like about myself. So bite me, Jesse!

Urgh, I wish...

This is going to be a long drive home with all these intrusive thoughts, isn't it... 

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- Chapter 19 besties, we reached 50K reads today!!! You are INCREDIBLE

What do you think about Rob getting a little sassy??

XOXO Your favorite Dutch girl 

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