Chapter 16

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Before I get the opportunity to leave, the Ferris wheel has started spinning. Great.

He just sits there, as if there's nothing out of the ordinary as if it just a mundane Saturday afternoon and he is taking a ride with an old friend. But there is nothing normal about this. Why is he being so ignorant?!

I stare at him intensely, waiting for him to explain himself, to do something, but he doesn't. He is annoying the literal shit out of me with this "being oblivious" act of his. We are at the top of the ride as it stops, and he hasn't spoken a single word yet. At this point, I'm boring holes in his face with my eyes.

'The view is over there you know.' 

He says as he points his index finger over the sea.

Can this man be any more confusing? 

He pushes me away, and then leaves a note on my door which obviously meant something, and now he just happened to randomly be here, and is acting like we're nothing more than friendly colleagues?

Okay, I admit, I would be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind that he might come here after the note he left me. But Scheveningen beach is pretty large... 

Okay, maybe not that large... 

He still hasn't looked at me once, and I give up as I sit back and try to enjoy the view. The one I came for and paid a ticket for. But he's making it hard to concentrate.

Even though the wind is picking up and it has been getting colder outside over the last few days, there isn't a trace left of it inside this small cube. I'm not sure if the tension rising in my stomach is because of him or because of the current height we're at. Maybe a mixture of both...

He notices I'm tense as well.

I try to focus on my breathing, which is getting more difficult every second that passes, as it falters completely when he lays his hand on my knee. The feeling is electrifying and I flex my jaw to try and compose myself. I take a hard swallow as I'm starting to sweat and get a little light-headed.

I notice a faint smirk on his lips due to the current state I'm in.


He keeps his hand there for most of the ride, not moving it up or taking it away, just resting. I wonder if it is meant to reassure me or if it is because he wants to show his affection. Either way, I don't ask him to take it away.

We are on our way back down as we're looking over the clear blue ocean. The water is reflecting the daylight delicately, little sparks of brightness flutter between us. 

There it is, for a brief moment, the absence of noise. 

I crave it just as much as he does, the silence. It's growing louder every moment we spend together, and I'm starting to feel this itch of need for him. 


I hate it. Judging by his hot and cold behavior, he feels the same way about that as well. 

Taken away by the beauty of the view in front of and beside me, I get the most absurd idea.

'Let's go into the water?'

I don't give him the time to respond, as the cart comes to a halt and the doors open I take his arm and start running off the pier and onto the beach with him.

He follows me without any resistance as we near the sea.

It's roughly seven degrees out, and the water must be freezing. People all around us are giving us strange looks as we are taking off our shoes and rolling up our trousers.

'You know this idea is crazy right?'

He says to me, and I guess he has a point.

'Maybe we shouldn't-'

'I love it.'

He interrupts, while having the most genuine smile littering his face. Almost child-like. The sight of him brings a smile to mine as well and I continue rolling up my trousers as far as I possibly can.

We run into the water like we're five-year-olds, but I don't care one bit. I feel alive.

I was right, the water is freezing cold.

As I'm trying to adjust to the coldness of the water I suddenly feel more of it on my back. I turn around to face Jesse, his face lighting up in the most ridiculous delinquent expression, filled with contentment.

'Did you just splash water onto me?'

'Me? Never.'

He says as a cheeky grin washes over his face, his eyes sparkling with amusement. I splash some water back at him and we end up in a bit of a water fight... 

I can't feel my toes, my feet, my legs, or my hands, but his laugh is worth it all. The beautiful sound dancing in my ears, makes my heart glow. 

His guard is down. I feel it, he is letting me in, being completely and utterly himself.


The soft light of the setting sun colors his laughter beautifully. I'm overfilled with joy and I forget my surroundings completely when I'm with him.

His wet curls hang droopily over his forehead as we get out of the water, still laughing. We grab our shoes and walk back up the beach. We make a little pitstop at a small clothing shop to get some dry clothes, and a bag to put all of our wet stuff in. 

He looks ridiculous in that yellow tracksuit he bought... I love it. 

He insisted to pay.

I resisted.

Which he then waved off by saying he owed me a door.

I mean he's not wrong...

We strolled alongside the restaurants and surf shops and stranded at a small cafe, both ordering a big cup of hot chocolate.

You could wake me up for chocolate every day of the week.

I already had a lot of it this morning, but that's okay, today is Rob's day. Thierry ate most of the chocolate anyway.

Shit. Thierry.

I had completely forgotten about him... He wasn't at the beginning of the pier anymore when we got off the Ferris wheel. I wonder if he saw me with Jesse and left, or if he just left me without a cause. He drove here, he knows I don't have any transportation back home. He wouldn't do that, right?

Even though I'm not drowning in his absence anymore, I can't help but feel the sting of him just leaving me here like that.

I grab my phone, which somehow magically survived my water fight with Jesse, and as I try to turn it on, I get the low battery pop up. Great...

 - Chapter 16 loves

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 - Chapter 16 loves

Where do you think Thierry has gone??

And how do we feel about Resse's day at the beach??

XOXO ur favorite Dutch girl

My colleague (Rob Jetten x Jesse Klaver)Where stories live. Discover now