Chapter 27

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Jesse Klaver POV

One more word about this goddamn parrot and I will take that fucking bird and shove it so far up Mark's a-

'Hey, Jesse! Come sit next to me.' Arib calls out, interrupting my thoughts. 

Do I want to? No, not particularly. But she has been quite annoyed with me leaving the chamber so often over the past week, so I have some political ass-kissing to do... My least favorite part of the job, but also one of my best skills, unfortunately. My father is to blame for that one.  

'Yes, of course, how are you today chairman?' 

'Oh dear, don't call me that, not this weekend.'

'I'll be sure to remember that.' I say, as I nod and take place in the empty seat beside her. 

My ass barely even touches the itchy stained fabric beneath me, as I'm already pierced with the single most annoying sound to ever be heard on the planet coming from behind me, making me want to rip my ears off and drown them in bleach before I set them on fire. 

Thierry's laughter.

God, I despise that man with every fiber of my being... I noticed his aggravated stares toward me in the chamber this week, and actually, they made me feel quite alive. I feed on angry little manchild's insecurities, and him not being able to lay a finger on me whilst I had given his entire face a makeover the weekend before, was the best meal I had in weeks. 

However, him redirecting his focus to Rob just now agitates the shit out of me. He has no business screwing with Rob's head anymore, if he didn't get the memo when his blood was painting the wooden floors of that dusty old bar, the deal was off. 

I'll get what I need from that musty toenail-looking saggy bag of fries some other way. It might need a little more imagination, a little more creativity, but I'm good with that. And if not, I will become so, no way I'm letting that poor excuse of a man near Rob ever again. 

For Rob's safety, of course, that's what colleagues do, of course. 

Rob Jetten POV

Sigrid is talking my ears off about anything and everything I'm not really interested in. Or maybe I could be, if all of my attention wasn't stolen by the single most gorgeous brown-haired man to ever walk the face of the earth, with eyes so golden they could be sold for millions apiece. Millions of... everything really. Not that I have seen much of them today, because they've been bolted to the front of the bus the entire ride so far. 

Speak of the devil...

My thoughts come to a stop as he turns his head sideways, I catch a glimpse of his cheekbones, his jawline, his nose, his eyelashes, his... lips


A lonely strand of hair, a thick dark curl, lingers across his forehead, shaping his face beautifully. The tangerine orange of the evening sun shining through the left side windows of the bus, catching his face, illuminating his painting-like appearance. If the dictionary were made of pictures, I would capture this exact moment and paste it next to perfection. 

I could draw his mesmerizing features on an empty canvas all day long, but the thing is, the canvas wouldn't be mine anymore after finishing. It would be hers

Just before my mind gets the chance to wander off and start to hate him again, he locks his eyes with mine. My breath falters, thousands of little sparks ignite over my entire body, glittering over my skin like fireworks. Time is nothing but inconsistent, as are my thoughts, and I don't even know if it exists at all in this given moment. What I do know is that it feels as if I will cease to exist as well if I don't feel his touch ever again. 

He looks at me, intensely, there's this sincerity in his eyes mixed with a hint of purity, I don't get to see often. Especially this past week since he's been busy and all with... 

Well, I have no clue what he's been busy with actually since we're not even fucking talking at the moment. 

For heaven's sake Rob, get a grip. 

I pinch my bottom lip between my thumb and index finger and pull softly, a nervous tick I inherited from my grandma. My mom always yelled at me to stop doing it, but I can't help it. 

I don't even notice it anymore when I do so, but apparently, I can't say the same for everyone... Jesse unhooks his eyes from mine as they're caught by... my lips? The wings of his nose flare the tiniest bit, undetectable to anyone not paying attention. But I was, paying attention. 

His jaw tenses as he inhales a large breath and he tries to compose himself by furrowing his eyebrows and pasting a serious look on his face. 

But all I can ask myself is what does he need to compose himself from?

Even though I don't understand a single ounce, scratch that, a single drop of this man's mind, I can't deny how good it feels to have some sort of effect on him. 

And his wife. 

Fuck, thanks intrusive thought, forgot about that one for a hot second. 

And judging by the hungry look in his eyes he's trying so hard to disguise, so did he. 

He bites the inside of his jaw harshly as he drags his eyes from me, only to halt at the sight of Thierry, who is, presumingly, shooting daggers at him. 

Oh, dear... 

This time he doesn't look like he wants to rip Thierry's eyeballs out of their sockets like he did when he entered the bus. No, he looks... amused?

What the hell. 

He looks even so amused, the corner of his lips starts to curl into the slightest smirk. He looks him dead in the eye as he moves his face toward me again, keeping his gaze locked tightly on Thierry. 

At last, he directs his eyes toward me, but this time nothing about them is sincere. This time nothing is genuine, nothing is without any intent. No, this time, his gaze is laced with... venom. He winks at me and I hate that he does this to get under Thierry's skin. I do not feel the need to play referee this weekend between a couple of twelve-year-olds having a pissing contest. I hate that he uses me to play one of his sick mind games. But what I hate the most is that they're working... And I'm not even the one he is playing them with at the moment. 

I think. 

- Chapter 27 my loves, better late than never ;) 

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- Chapter 27 my loves, better late than never ;) 

How much did we miss Resse?

Check out my TikTok for a little extra treat, because you deserved it <3 

XOXO, still, your favorite Dutch girl 

PS. Thank you for all of your concerns! I'm doing fine, just been busy and lost my hyperfixation for a while... but hey we're back in lockdown and in great need of dissociation, so buckle up cuz here we go again ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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