Chapter 13

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I walk up to him, not knowing exactly what I'm going to say yet. 

As I reach him, I can feel his guard go up, he is shutting me out... I have no idea why; was it something I did or said? 

'Can we talk?' 

I ask him, but he doesn't seem to happy about it, though he does agree to it. We walk over to an empty office as he leans against a desk and crosses his arms in front of him. 

'I erm, I wanted to talk about last night, what you did for me... I never really thanked you for it.'

I give him a half-smile, but his lips are made of steel, not giving any indication of joy or whatsoever. 

'I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.'

Wait, what? What does he mean by that? Is he saying he shouldn't have come? 

As if he is reading my mind he speaks again. 

'Look, Rob, Thierry is a good man, he was just a little out of it last night. I'm not trying to undermine what he did, but if I hadn't shown up, maybe he would have left by himself. Who knows.' 

I look at him, not comprehending a word he is saying, as I'm starting to feel an ache in my stomach. I push back a tear and try to focus on the words coming out of his mouth, I cannot believe the ones he speaks next. 

'Maybe you should give him another chance.' He implied.

It wasn't a suggestion, not at all. It was more of a demand. Why would he push me to go to Thierry... Does he not want me the way I want him?

I am lost for words and stand there taking in the emotional punches he is launching at me. A silence falls between us but is quickly broken by him leaving the office. 

I don't bother to follow him, and swallow back the lump in my throat as I try to compose myself. 


I hear Thierry's voice coming from behind me, great

'Are you okay?'

I turn around, pasting a smile onto my lips. 

'Yeah, I'm fine!'

I go to walk out the door but when I pass him he puts his hand on my lower arm. To my surprise, it's a gentle touch, which I am not used to from him. 

I look him in the eyes and there's a flash of genuine concern passing them. 

'I'm sorry.'

I know what he means, but it isn't the words that unsettle me, it is the sincerity in them. 

'I know.' 

I take his hand and give it a squeeze, as his face grows into relief. 

Maybe Jesse was right?

I might dislike Thierry at the moment, but we have been through a lot together, there is no denying that. 

The rest of the day goes by quickly, and I'm relieved when I'm in the comfort of my own home again. 

I drop my keys on the coffee table and take off my jacket. Today was exhausting, and an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. 

I throw myself onto the couch and scream into a pillow. 

Okay, maybe that was a little too dramatic, Rob. 

I get myself together and turn on the television. Eva Jinek hosts her talk show and chats about the new season of The Voice with last season's winner. I'm not really interested in the subject, but the background noise is nice. It makes me feel less alone. 

My colleague (Rob Jetten x Jesse Klaver)Where stories live. Discover now