Chapter 6

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Jesse Klaver POV 

I see Rob exiting the chamber as I step onto the elevator. I have to say, I'm surprised. I didn't think he had it in him. 

He's like a fragile butterfly. Precious, yet easily crushed. That is exactly what I intend to do. D66 is GreenLeft's biggest opponent in the run for Presidency. And I need that presidency. Rutte has been on the throne long enough, it's time for a change. Besides, I need it for something else as well...

The pencil-drop-touch-on-the-leg is one of my personal favorites. That strategy always works like a charm. Especially now that I got Thierry's attention as well. I need him unfocused and his thoughts clouded as I plan to win the elections next year. 

I do, however, have an uncomfortable feeling about Rob caring so much about Thierry seeing it. Seeing us. I need him focused on me. 

... For the plan of course. 

I stand in the elevator as I watch the doors close, no way he'll make it in time. 

Then... he did. Hmm, he keeps on surprising me, clever boy. 

He stands there, his shoulders rigid, out of breath, his blouse is just open at the top where I can see beads of sweat forming on his chest. 

He is messing with my plans, which is not good. He needs to go back in line, back into the position where I can control him. 

I take in his disrupted look, a strand of hair got loose and is hanging temptingly over his forehead. I have to give it to him, he is a sight for sore eyes. This is going to be a hell of a lot harder if he keeps on looking like this. If he keeps on enticing me. Making me want to grab him and push him up against the wall. He's making me want to do unimaginable things to him...

What if I...

... Just one taste... 

Right then and there I lose myself. 

I walk up to him, I just need a little fix, that is all. He is just a drug, and I need one dose. Just one and it will be enough.

I plant my lips just underneath his jaw, as I hear him gasp. Damn, that sounds good. My pants grow tighter, and it is not enough. 

I suck a little on his skin as I hear the elevator reach the floor. Right, I came here to do business. I walk out the door and pass Wilders. Ugh. 

I reach the end of the hallway and take a left, the office I'm searching for must be around here somewhere. At least if Rutte was telling the truth. He better, he knows what is coming to him if he messes with me or my plans. 

I search a few offices and finally find the one I need. 

What the hell- 

What is Wopke doing here... I make sure he doesn't see me as I try to figure out what he's doing here. He is searching the room, looking beneath multiple tables and chairs. He looks anxious. Or maybe that is just his natural habitat, haven't figured that out yet. 

When he reaches the painting on the wall, I step inside. 

'Wopke, is it?'

He turns around in a hurry, shocked at the sight of me. Though I'm pretty sure this one would be scared at the sight of a peanut, as well. I walk in with my hands folded behind my back, I sense he is intimidated by me. At least he's smart. 

He still hasn't responded. 

'What are you looking for?' I paste a confused look on my face as I near him. He takes a step back and bumps into one of the tables behind him. 

'uhh.. nothing much, just lost some papers, though they might be in here.'

Hmm, not bad. 

I know it's a lie, but it is a pretty decent one. Politics and their papers. 

'May I help you look?'

He looks flustered. 

'I, uh, I just remembered I must have left them at home..' He says with a nervous smile. 

I look at him. He knows I'm not buying into this facade, but what he doesn't know is that I love to play games. So I play along with his. I give him a nod and pretend to believe him. He walks past me, out the door, on a whim. 

I wait till I hear him walk down the stairs as I walk toward the painting on the left wall. I grab the ugly thing and set it down on the ground. I brush my fingertips over the wall, nicely done. My fingers come to a halt, as they form a fist, and I knock on the wall. 



I search for the seam in the wallpaper and tear it loose. Behind the paper, there is a small box installed inside the wall. Almost like a vault, yet less protected. Oh well... Dutch people. 

I open the box and find exactly what I'm looking for. I grab it out of the box and leave the premises without so much of a trace. 

When I'm stepping inside my car, I find Rob rushing out of the front doors toward his own car. He looks distressed. And it doesn't look like it would have anything to do with what just happened in the elevator. 

This means it could only be one thing...


Son of a bitch. 

I fight the urge to walk back inside and rip out his throat. He is getting on my nerves. I'm not sure why, but he is, which is bad. For him. 

I close my car door as I calm myself down. If everything goes to plan I'll just make him the scapegoat for the entire fiasco. Hit him right where it hurts. That way he won't ever be able to be near Rob again. 

It's a solid plan. 

Yet somehow... this pit in my stomach that I'm feeling right now still doesn't seem to fade... 

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- Chapter 6 besties!!! 

How y'all liking dark Jesse... ??

Be on the lookout for the next chapter! 

XOXO your favorite Dutch girl 

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