Chapter 12

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May, 1994 

Jesse Klaver POV

'Get up!' 

'... Why are you just lying there, you weak little shit.' 

'Get up and fight me, boy!'

I hear my father's voice ringing in my ears as my face is getting colder and colder from lying on the concrete basement floor. 

He is screaming for me to get up, but I don't want to. I just want to lay here and dissolve into the cracks of the floor. But I know what's coming next if I don't get up and fight back. 

He goes after my mom. 

I love her so much, I don't want to get her in trouble. She's always warm and sweet and smells like cinnamon. 

It was my birthday yesterday, and she got me a really pretty doll. She told me not to tell dad, so I hid it really well. But this morning he found me under my bedsheets playing with it and one of the stuffed animals I got for Christmas last year. 

He ripped it from my hands, broke it in half, and when I started crying he dragged me to the basement. 

I hate it here. 

It is cold and dark, and it smells funny. And every time he brings me here he makes me fight him. I don't understand why, but if I don't, he hurts me, and after that he hurts my mom. 

I wish barbie was here right now, she would know what to do. 

My hands are shaking and already bleeding. It usually takes a little longer before that starts. I don't want to fight with him anymore, it hurts. 

'I said, get up!' 

His voice is becoming louder and angrier every time he speaks, his shouts bouncing off the wall of the small basement and resonating through me. That is when I hear him unclasp his belt... 

November 2016

Rob Jetten

Arib calls for lunchtime as the chamber clears of hungry politicians. I remember I forgot to bring lunch today, since the hurry I was in this morning. 

I decide to go to the cafeteria across the street and pick up a hummus and falafel sandwich. There's this amazing place that sells the best falafel I have ever had, only a three-minute walk from here. I stand in line to give my order as the delicious smell is entering my nostrils. 

Wow, that smells good. 

Then, when I can almost taste the sandwich, I smell something else. A familiar scent. One that makes my blood pump faster through my veins and triggers all of my senses. 

It's him. 


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