Recovery and missions

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"Something is different with her." Steve voice his concern that has plagued his mind since the end of the fight days ago.

"It's Her power, in Asgard we found that she was inhabited by the Aether. A dark matter that was absorbing her life force. She must have acquired it at a young age it's a miracle that she isn't dead." Thor said gravely as he sat next to their mate and brushed some hair out of her face.

"What happened to it-The power??" Bruce asked.

"Malakieth took it. He's been killed though and the power is somewhere safe." Thor sighed, " I Just wonder if her power will have such a negative effect on her now that the Aether is gone or if things will get worse for her."

"How can they get worse?" Natasha spoke from her position leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Shield- they want her." Tony answered her, "we left to see Fury. I was going to get and eta on the tower but he offered her training personally before I had the chance so I got us
Out of there as quickly as possible."

"That's not such a bad idea. She needs to learn," Clint said leaning against the opposite wall as Natasha.

"We can train her, make sure she's safe and healthy, not to mention happy. Shield isn't the answer." Tony objected.

"We'll let her decide. For now we just need to be here." Steve ended the debate, "Thor, what do you want to do with Loki?"

"I want to keep him close. Incase something happens again."

"I'll have Jarvis set up the cell." Tony said pulling out his cell.

"Are we sure that's a good idea? Having him in the same building as Ava?" Bruce questioned.

"I can handle my brother."

It was silent for a moment and Peter sighed walking to the bed and sitting next to his A and holding her hand. He didn't know what to do to help her. She seemed so scared and vulnerable when they finally got her to come out of Loki's control and that terrified him as she always seemed relatively brave sure she was anxious but she was never absolutely scared as she was in that moment.

He doubted she can even remember that time when she looked into his eyes her own blue ones silently screaming at him for help, and she barely managed to whisper to him "I'm scared," before she passed out.

Peter sighed again and decided to cuddle into Ava acting as the big spoon as he fell asleep drowning out the others conversation he wished he could've done more to protect her.

Clint watched his mate as Thor and Peter got close to her and made sure she was safe and comfortable even in her sleep. He hates how all of this happened. He was supposed to meet his mate and take her out on dates and fall in love with her the regular way then get married and have a family, but it's all different and there is no way to have that. Clint just doesn't know how to make this feel more natural.

Being with her and having his teammates with him- working together to keep her safe feels right, but springing all of this on her feels wrong and to top it off her powers had to manifest just as they met. Clint only wishes for things to calm down so he can take her on a real date and show her the reasons why each of them were meant for her.

"Tony just ask Jarvis if he can retrieve an eta on the construction." Steve says. "I want Ava out of here and in a more central area while she is recovering and making her decision on Fury's offer."

Steve sighs deeply before he throws himself down on the couch rubbing his stubbly chin. He wishes that more could be done for his sleeping mate but he knew that she just needed time and to feel safe even if their life style isn't the safest he promised himself that he would protect her as fiercely as possible. He looks over at Natasha who nodded to the door and so he followed her.

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